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File: c756d48d5806b78⋯.jpg (92.95 KB,648x576,9:8,End_Times_News.jpg)

56d77a No.383868



US Chamber Of Commerce Blames Biden For UAW Strike Chaos


Federal Reserve Now Surpassing $100 Billion Loss, Bond Demand Deterioration Is Just Beginning


North Korea Vows To Assist Russia In Defense From Western Hostility


North Korea has agreed to send three-hundred-thousand (300,000) to five-hundred thousand (500,000) troops to Russia to assist with its Special Military Operation in Ukraine, against NATO.

Russia Is Now Mass Producing Artillery, Far More Than The US And Europe Have Been


Russia Eyes Expanding To 2nd Naval Port In Mediterranean


Most people think of Vladimir Putin's background as a KGB agent. What most casual observers don't know is that Putin has a law degree where he specialized in international trade. Secondly, he earned a PhD in economics while writing his thesis on “Strategic Planning of the Reproduction of the Mineral Resource Base of a Region Under Conditions of the Formation of Market Relations”


Zelensky Threatens European Nations That Refuse To Send Back Ukrainian Migrants For Mandatory Draft


Deep in the Wyoming wilderness last month, Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank, stood before a large audience of elite central bankers and casually predicted the collapse of the international financial order.


Benjamin Netanyahu and Elon Musk To Meet About AI, Spy Tech Innovation


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56d77a No.383870

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000001-55


End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000001-55


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16ce1c No.383876


Once again: YOU are the only person who reads or posts in your threads

what a legacy

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56d77a No.383877

File: 717dfb66ece4843⋯.png (234.61 KB,500x472,125:118,carbon_neutral.png)

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16ce1c No.383878

File: 3c8a66b285960dd⋯.png (1.9 MB,1813x1080,1813:1080,Picsart_23_09_15_14_32_07_….png)

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16ce1c No.383879

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16ce1c No.383880

File: dd611f2ea8d760d⋯.png (7.52 MB,2890x2248,1445:1124,Picsart_23_09_15_14_39_40_….png)

I can't believe you're still pretending that you believe in Jesus

Because when I taught you about all of the 16 mythological figures before Jesus with the exact same story, you finally came to the realization that you had been fooled by Christianity your entire life

But because you lack psychological strength, you still cling to the ridiculous Christianity brainwashing of the past, simply because you're too afraid to let go

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16ce1c No.383881

File: 7830d39eaddd78d⋯.jpg (343.97 KB,2019x1080,673:360,Picsart_23_09_15_14_44_38_….jpg)

But we've all noticed a big change ever since you realized Jesus never existed…..

A change for the better….

You've become a better person

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16ce1c No.383882

File: 6b3b636012606a4⋯.jpg (201.85 KB,1080x1121,1080:1121,Picsart_23_09_15_14_46_37_….jpg)


HNT: nobody cares about vaccines

you're stuck in the past

without a life preserver

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2e57c2 No.383931

bumping intellectual news

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3f0e4d No.384019

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000056

Shocking Reality Is About To Decimate American Sheeple Flock


NATO Wants To Draft 3 Million For World War Slaughter No One Sane Really Wants


MY COMMENT: Hell no. Fight your own wars you dolts!

UK Officially Declares Wagner A Terrorist Organization


Bank of Russia Chief Says Cash Will Not Disappear From Circulation, Digital Currency Remains Optional


They Welcomed Open Borders With Open Arms, Now Sanctuary Cities Say They Don't Want The Illegals


So it was literal virtue signaling all along.

Department of Homeland Security Can’t (Won't) Validate Addresses Of Illegal Invaders


Beware Neo-nazi Groups, Typically Infiltrated By Feds


In the aftermath of the staged American Nazi protest in Orlando, Florida a couple of weeks ago, one of the prominent shouters of hate, Mr. Kent “Boneface” McLellan, was outed as a US Government informant (he reportedly worked under the direction of the Department of Homeland Security aka DHS).

Criminal Probe Launched Into Absentee Ballot Fraud In Connecticut, Drop Box Stuffing Caught On Video



Here's The Climate Dissent You're Not Hearing About Because It's Muffled By Society's Top Institutions


End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000001-55



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4d1283 No.384037

File: 9839ecef6e8528d⋯.jpeg (43.74 KB,ANDREW_MCGOVERN.jpeg)


Hey, is this you?

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6d2619 No.384107

bumping real American news

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