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File: 4518906acdeee84⋯.png (268.21 KB,832x676,16:13,We_Hate_You_Whites_.png)

7496cb No.383722


Whether you choose Team Red or Team Blue…

Neither team will ever choose you.

Here's a question you won't hear in any presidential


"How do you plan to stop the War On White People

that's raging across America?"

Whites are ICKY says the one; while the other insists

you don't even exist!

We are all one says the GOP commie cucks …

You know we're officially entering election season when

Fake Right gatekeepers start signaling to the one

demographic that they otherwise exist to keep deaf,

dumb, and blind.

The establishment feels the undercurrent of White

awakening. They must deconstruct the notion of White existence

because he's openly working toward a future where

White people literally don't exist.

As to Scott Greer's statement that "White Americans

are an ethnic group [and] most of its members are

uncomfortable with that" - he's correct.

This discomfort is due to generations of White

Americans being conditioned to reject our White

identity and hate ourselves while America has been

simultaneously flooded with non-Whites who are

encouraged to embrace their racial identity and, of

course, to hate White Americans.

White Americans are an ethnic group. White

Americans, like any other group on Earth, do have

group interests. The most important, effective thing

White Americans can do is unshackle ourselves from

the mental prison we've been placed in by both fake

sides of the Uniparty that pander to every identity

group other than White while telling White people that

identity politics are evil.

There is a War On White People. It is an existential

threat. This is the issue of our lives.

We must defend ourselves on the ground upon which

we're attacked - and we are attacked because we are


We better get comfortable with the idea of being

White, because the reality of being White will continue

becoming increasingly uncomfortable until we stand

back up for who we are - as who we are because we

love who we are as who we are!


White For White! Diversity is a Death Cult Blight!

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7496cb No.383724

Vote Harder … Nobody to vote for that cares about you!

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576283 No.383726


I vote for the lesser of two evils, and continue calling out and not conforming to any of their bullshit either. Take Trump for example. Definitely a lesser of two evils. But he still promotes the clot shots, although he refuses to mandate them. OK. I still call out the corruption and won't take them. Hey after all, it's better than being stuck in a standoff/shootout scenario with fascists/communists who desire to use jackbooted militias to force that deadly toxic shit into us. Therefore you are doing what you can peacefully to survive another day, rather choosing the route of full-blown tyranny and inevitably death by armed resistance.

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65797d No.383731


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65797d No.383732


*shoots you in the neck with a tranquilizer dart*

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65797d No.383733


That'll shit him up for a while…

I heard you recently got an increase in your food stamps

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65797d No.383734

Shut him up…. Shit him up…..



tell me about your SNAP Benefits, broke ass bitch

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65797d No.383742


I'm curious about something, Albert

WHY did you never find another woman after your wife left you?

It's been a very long time..

Over 20 years

and still no new woman


And why do you spend every day calling young adults males with no girlfriends your FAM ?

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c3b19d No.383743

Hail hitler you Jew autist spamer

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af92a3 No.383746

Its also hella anti-native American. It seems the want to get ride of the 'Wild West' culture completely .

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