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File: 856e4d47c5d6176⋯.png (239.13 KB,786x618,131:103,2_Days_9_11_2023.png)

c7a82c No.383687

It's actually just one day…


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c7a82c No.383688

File: 76ecaaf80b47acb⋯.png (451.88 KB,1374x1080,229:180,Picsart_23_09_12_06_31_42_….png)

Technically speaking, all she has is today.. and today is already 25% complete

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c7a82c No.383689

File: 870c3481b3fdeb7⋯.png (447.7 KB,1374x1080,229:180,Picsart_23_09_12_06_34_10_….png)

Basically this is the final 24 hours

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c7a82c No.383690

File: 495a316ed73c353⋯.png (436.87 KB,1374x1080,229:180,Picsart_23_09_12_06_36_44_….png)

Of course she has no intention of appearing in court tomorrow, which will extend her jail sentence.

They'll file a bench warrant immediately, and they'll have her in handcuffs before the day is over.

But it will take 6 to 9 months to reschedule the hearing again, and she'll remain in jail the entire time awaiting the trial to be rescheduled…

Stupid Move

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