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8701b3 No.383681

6:00 AM 1/4th of the day is already over

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8701b3 No.383682

Ashley's mother told me that she doesn't see any indication that Ashley plans on going to court.

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8701b3 No.383683

Last night was the first time Ashley's mom called ME

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8701b3 No.383684

She said Ashley has been very quiet, and there's an "odd energy" in the air.

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8701b3 No.383685

I actually asked her if Ashley's hygiene has changed, to see whether or not she has been cleaning herself up, getting ready to present herself in court.

Darcey said no… She hasn't bathed or anything. The exact same behavior as before… Her hair is all chopped up at different lengths, she smells sour according to her mother, and her skin is all greasy and clammy with blackheads…

I honestly believe living down in an unfinished basement is exposing her to millions of mold spores everyday, being inhaled all day and all night long.

Inhaling mold spores causes all kinds of health problems, including but not limited to fungal skin infections and shit like that…

But it gets much worse, because it actually leads to kidney failure and liver failure… It totally fucks with your autoimmune system

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8701b3 No.383686

I'm flying out on Delta this afternoon, and I'll be renting a car at the airport in fond du lac… Tomorrow is the big day

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42fb6e No.383727

>She said Ashley has been very quiet, and there's an "odd energy" in the air.

Her daughter is probably about to try to kill herself. Sometimes parents can tell when something is about to go terribly wrong even in psychic ways.

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