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8f6823 No.383643

The 2nd best show in the world.

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b2d136 No.383652

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The NUMBER ONE best show in the world

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b2d136 No.383653

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the 174th best show in the world

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b2d136 No.383654

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Number 23 in the "best" list

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b2d136 No.383655

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Diamonds Are Forever

Best 007 Ever Made …. easily

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b2d136 No.383656

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Filmed in the ELROD HOUSE

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b2d136 No.383657

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b2d136 No.383658

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It's definitely THE best Bond Film

yes, it's visually dated YES THANK GOD

it's forever in 1971

when life was still cool

The dated 1971 part is what makes it SO FUCKING COOL

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b2d136 No.383659

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it's a classic

shit, Wendy & I might watch it again

it's way better than

A Clockwork Orange

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b2d136 No.383660

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In 1971, Connery wasthe perfect age

when watching Diamonds Are Forever you can smell his cologne and a 12 year old Single Malt Scotch

It's timeless

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b2d136 No.383661

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b2d136 No.383662

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The James Bond guitar theme song was written by George Martin, The Beatles producer…

When recording the album HELP!, The Beatles kept bothering George Martin, urging him to include a little James Bond thing on the album…

After urging him, he finally relented, and this is how the song HELP! Actually begins… For the American radio release, they trimmed this James Bond intro off the song

Actually created by George Martin, so it's the real fucking thing

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b2d136 No.383663

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b2d136 No.383666

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