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911204 No.383606

I was thinking either nashua new hampshire or Nashville Tennessee.

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baf010 No.383669

Nashville is a very hip, cool city

But only if you're going out and about

if you plan on sitting in a room staring at a monitor, then it doesn't matter WHERE you go.

But Nashville has a lot of fun shit, and a decent amount of fairly hot chicks, culture, art, music, nightclubs, restaurants, etc

I'm not sure how much fun Nashua is, but I've been to New Hampshire… it's very pretty

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baf010 No.383670

RE: Florida

I have lived in Ft Lauderdale, Jacksonville & Neptune Beach, and spent time in Miami of course (ft lauderdale) and Tampa and gone to raves in Orlando and partied in gorgeous St Augustine

Florida?….. the best part is leaving

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baf010 No.383671

California is AWESOME

I don't care what they say on the news

California is badass

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baf010 No.383672

Best city in America?… easy


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baf010 No.383673

Atlanta has the best of L.A., Miami, NYC, all neatly packed into a HUGE beautiful Magnolia Jungle

Cool as filuck modern architecture rising out of a Magnolia Forest

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54772b No.383721


MY COMMENT: Tennessee for sure, but I would not want to live too close to any major city. A nice smaller town, and preferably outskirts, would be preferable.

Remember strategic relocation tips! Not too wooded areas (easy targets for arson and DEWs!) Not by any major rivers (easy targets to flood out by saboteurs blowing up levees or dams!) Not near major nuclear targets (in a nuclear war scenario you'd be incinerated, if lucky!) Not by major populated areas (in a SHTF scenario you want to be outside the hot buffer zones: suburbs will be hit with armed marauders/looters/criminals coming out from the cities!)

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