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File: a0c1cb23e493b07⋯.png (9.71 MB,1992x11098,996:5549,Screenshot_2023_09_10_at_2….png)

e079c5 No.383477 [Last50 Posts]

I want to get a numbers gang tattoo, suggestions?


>It has been split up into three factions - the 26s, 27s and 28s - which all control different aspects of the organisation.

>The 26s are known for accruing wealth for the gang, through gambling, smuggling and other means. The 27s are considered the peacekeepers who watch over gang law. The 28s are known for fighting for the group and defending it through violence.

should I be a 27 or a 28?

or should I start my own gang, 29?

that may be the better option. I am now the general of the 29.

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e079c5 No.383482

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e079c5 No.383483

File: c681d7b96fa8a2c⋯.png (233.4 KB,1920x1080,16:9,29ranks.png)

how your provisional rank is determined:

by number, not post number, not ID number, but color number.

<span class="poster_id" style="background-color: rgb(224, 121, 197); padding: 0px 5px; border-radius: 8px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">e079c5</span>

224+121+197=542 out of a maximum of 255*3=765

doesn't matter since I'm a general by default.

but for you it matters, if your ID is black (0, 0, 0) you're a private, if your ID is white (255, 255, 255) you're a colonel.

if you want to discuss with me privately: 29General@protonmail.com

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e079c5 No.383484


we can have special ranks for specialists (if you're an actual doctor, you can be the gang's doctor; if you're a lawyer, you can be our legal consultant)


Structure of the 26's

Broke up into two different sections:

The unarmed privates known as the number ones

The officers known as the number two's

The number ones structure:

The General - Knows all the laws about the gangs

Inspector One - Ensures that all punishment is carried out; he issues uniforms to new recruits alongside Captain One

Doctor One - Examines new recruits by looking at their eyes, ears, evaluating any head injuries and thus has the final say if any new recruit is able to join the gang




Captain One - He is the captain of blood and has permission to stab others. He will have six stars on his shoulders, usually three on each shoulder and these are seen in the form of tattoos.

The number two's structure:

The number two's deal with the initiation of the new recruits

The Fighting General - Gives permission to the Number ones to arms themselves with weapons. He will have eight stars tattooed on his shoulders, usually four on each shoulder.

The Inspector Two - Observes all ritual stabbings and ensures that all duties are performed and plays a role in the promotion of members.

The Doctor Two - Examines new recruits by looking at their eyes, ears, evaluating any head injuries and thus has the final say if any new recruit is able to join the gang

The Judge Number Two - Sits in for any minor cases of the gang members and overseas any sentences passed down

The Lawyer - Pleads on behalf of the offender

The Scribe - Is a secretary and accountant

Captain Two - Is also known as the wireless operator. He searches for new recruits and memorizes decisions taken at inter-gang meetings. With the inspector two, he also observes all ritual stabbings. He will have four stars on his shoulders, usually two on each shoulder and these are seen in the form of tattoos

* It is important to note that not all aspects are known with regards to the functions of each ranking member. This is because of the extreme secrecy of the numbers gang.

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e079c5 No.383485

File: 3fa60af12d857b4⋯.png (639.73 KB,1898x1536,949:768,Screenshot_2023_09_10_at_2….png)

4chan is hiring jannies btw, a 29 is prohibited from applying (unless you want to mess with them).

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d85fc9 No.383486

File: ba903d3161d7b90⋯.png (233.79 KB,350x350,1:1,villagepeople.png)


suggestion :

you should be the biker

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d85fc9 No.383487

File: 83e52fd7c81693e⋯.png (397.63 KB,698x566,349:283,Screenshot_20230910_151156….png)


You'reless of a 29

and more of a BOTTOM

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d85fc9 No.383488

File: b64e3b760aec5a9⋯.png (340.92 KB,634x431,634:431,Screenshot_20230910_151119….png)


Number Two:

What your boyfriend will be

scraping off his dick

with your teeth

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d85fc9 No.383489

it's AMAZING how none of you

spend any of your time laying the

groundwork required to have a

GIRLFRIEND next weekend

obviously, you're not

attracted to females

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d85fc9 No.383490

you spend ALL of your time seeking

vicarious imaginary friendships with

other similarly socially & sexually

failed adult males….

it's the only thing you're familiar with

so you continue down this path

The path to homosexuality…………….

your generation sucks

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e079c5 No.383491


I am the General.


and I am 100% Top


while you're the tranny bitch, so bend over, or get on your knees.


I own your ass and mouth though (not interested in your chop wound, my soldiers can have it)


so the question is, will you swallow my load or take it up the ass?

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d85fc9 No.383492

allegedly, your generation will be running the world soon enough


thanks a lot, PlayStation Dweebs

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d85fc9 No.383493

File: 1632134e4166e8d⋯.jpg (141.1 KB,960x720,4:3,Picsart_23_07_27_10_11_40_….jpg)


here's a photo of me fucking my wife in the ass



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e079c5 No.383494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>allegedly, your generation will be running the world soon enough

can't disagree with that

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e079c5 No.383495


>here's a photo of me fucking my wife in the ass

joke's on you, I don't have a wife, I have bitches and I share them with my soldiers, that particular one caught AIDS from one of them.

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d85fc9 No.383496


Notice it wasn't a question


you're gay

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d85fc9 No.383497



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d85fc9 No.383498


the only vagina you e ever seen

was the one looking back at you

in the mirror

you ARE a vagina

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e079c5 No.383499



The General speaks whenever the fuck he wants, the bitches listen or they get bitch slapped and get a dick up their throats.

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e079c5 No.383500


>you're gay

I need to clarify that, I'm a Man

Men fuck whatever the fuck they want, men, women, trannies, hermaphrodites, whatever.

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d85fc9 No.383501

go play some more MS PACMAN


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d85fc9 No.383502


you're the polar opposite of a man

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e079c5 No.383504


I transcend the man, I am Nietzsche's overman.

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d85fc9 No.383505

*places my right testicle on your left eye*

*places my left testicle on your right eye*

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e079c5 No.383506


oh, you store your testicles in your freezer after Dr. Shekelstein cut them off?

too bad, I'll confiscate them, I'll feed one to my dog, and one to my cat.

a bitch doesn't need testicles

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d85fc9 No.383507


you can't fuck

you can't fight

and you can't afford wifi

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d85fc9 No.383508



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d85fc9 No.383509



that's my new name for you,

Fat Girl

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d85fc9 No.383510


Lonely Little Petunia

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e079c5 No.383511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I can do all 3, as I'm about to show you.

bend over bitch.

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d85fc9 No.383512

a soft, weak, loose bag of feces


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d85fc9 No.383513


how old are you, anyway?

14 ?……

you're a fucking PUSSY

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e079c5 No.383514



I should mention, if I find feces on my dick, into your throat it goes.

so make sure to take a piss enema

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d85fc9 No.383515


tsk tsk tsk

now I have to report you for being underage

Nobody under 18 allowed

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d85fc9 No.383516

File: 8b5fb70b87cf1ed⋯.png (358.04 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230910_154425….png)


shut up, Petunia

go back to 4chan

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e079c5 No.383517


>Nobody under 18 allowed

I make the rules, half of 29 is 14.5 so that's the lower age limit, 2*29=58, so that's the upper age limit.

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d85fc9 No.383518

you boring, effeminate little misfit

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d85fc9 No.383519


go ask your mother how long she plans on allowing you to continue mooching off her


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d85fc9 No.383521


I challenge you to name even ONE masculine Brit, other than the Queen

(and James Bond isn't a real person)

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d85fc9 No.383522

Why do ALL British TV shows end the same way :

two effeminate limpwristed elderly men chasing each other around a park bench, one holding an umbrella in the air, chasing the one wearing women's underwear outside of his business suit… with ragtime piano playing too fast

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d85fc9 No.383523

ALL Brits are genetically homosexual

it's literally in their DNA

thank goodness British women are so hideous and masculine, or British men would never be able to achieve an erection

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d85fc9 No.383524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm gonna make dinner now

You suck, Petunia

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d85fc9 No.383525

Lisping, limpwristed, lilly-liver loser

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d85fc9 No.383526

lotsa luck, petunia

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e079c5 No.383527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

someone put the mentally ill faggot out of his misery, he's of no use to us even as a cum dumpster.

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d85fc9 No.383528


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d85fc9 No.383529



you don't know jack fucking shit about psychology

You're a fucking POSER

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d85fc9 No.383530



you'veneverseen a vagina


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d85fc9 No.383531



and not even ONE thinks you're even vaguely interesting

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d85fc9 No.383532


That's very telling, Petunia

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d85fc9 No.383533


not even the most desperate, fat, ugly, needy pig woman thinks you're worthy

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d85fc9 No.383534

File: 03ecd856efb9ea4⋯.jpg (49.1 KB,528x528,1:1,PicsArt_12_04_06_36_53.jpg)

Not even the most DESPERATE woman thinks you're man enough

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d85fc9 No.383535

File: e920d21c73af7bd⋯.jpg (242.14 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_09_10_16_44_32_….jpg)

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d85fc9 No.383536


Which videogame have you been playing all weekend, while other men your age were emptying their testicles into hot chicks?

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d85fc9 No.383537


I'm guessing you're a GRAND THEFT AUTO badass, huh ?

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d85fc9 No.383538


Apparently, women aren't interested in a little boy with a videogame controller in his hands, and a bunch of effeminate fantasies of 'machismo' in his mind

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d85fc9 No.383539



if a woman wants a CHILD, she'll find a real man like ME to give her a child all her own

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d85fc9 No.383540

File: 7145e3dbad16cc7⋯.jpg (435.46 KB,1280x1233,1280:1233,20230427_133814.jpg)


you think if you sit there playing videogames long enough, eventually a woman will come knocking door to door, looking for the sexually & socially impotent little boy?

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d85fc9 No.383541


so…… anybody who notices you get no pussy is 'mentally ill'?

that makes your mother mentally ill, too?


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d85fc9 No.383542


did you actually think "anonymity" prevented people from knowing WHAT you are ?…..

your name isn't required to determine you're a lonely awkward misfit and a loser with the ladies

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d85fc9 No.383543

I don't give a fuck WHO you are

because I know exactly WHAT you are™

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d85fc9 No.383544

please continue, tough guy

don't let ME prevent you

from fantasizing you're

an intimidating badass

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d85fc9 No.383545

W A I T I N G……

I said "please continue"

dungeon master sissyboy

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d85fc9 No.383546

wow ……………….

so you rolled over like a bitch?

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d85fc9 No.383547

You caved in like a fucking bitch?

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d85fc9 No.383548

A G A I N , S A S S Y P A N T S :

I said "please continue" tough guy

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d85fc9 No.383549

lol @ the fantasy "gang member"

who caves in, afraid of ME??

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d85fc9 No.383550

Q: if you can't handle ME, how are you going to handle a real life punch to the face?

because you've NEVER been in a fist fight

You've never punched anyone in the face and you've never been punched in the face

If somebody broke your nose, you'd FALL TO PIECES

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d85fc9 No.383551

lol your generation are so weak

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d85fc9 No.383552


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88a95d No.383609


I'm a doctor and it seems to me you're a faggot, troon, pedo or all 3

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88a95d No.383611

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d091b6 No.383719




the scribe is documenting your faggotry (on pastebin.com)

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d091b6 No.383720


>ID: 88


>ID: d09

that's right, you can call me the dog

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