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File: 20fce22067d9561⋯.jpg (680.27 KB,4000x3000,4:3,Picsart_23_01_30_19_27_44_….jpg)

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dd1895 No.383441

KILLCEN VOTED FOR TRUMP !! and he actually thought "TRUMP WON" in 2020 !!HAHAHAHA WOW!! MORON!!

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e537cf No.383442

Imagine being so embarrassingly upset over some fat bitch you keep photoshopping into any random dumbass picture that all it takes is a reply from any passer-by to send you in a flying fit of spastic rage, hitting said reply button multiple times in an emotionally broken response due to TDS quite literally rotting your brain.

Thanks for the continued laughs, you miserable faggot.

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dd1895 No.383443



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dd1895 No.383444

File: 5b8550c62f20945⋯.jpg (642.72 KB,4000x3000,4:3,Picsart_23_02_19_08_47_14_….jpg)

imagine being SO NEW HERE, that you didn't know who killcen was, or who anybody else in here was



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96a2ef No.383452


killcen voted for Trump? really? haha weird

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96a2ef No.383459


the lonely midget worked up enough courage to speak, and lashes out at the world.

congratulations, tiny

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634174 No.383481

File: 7309a46586002af⋯.jpg (293.93 KB,1880x1124,470:281,730.jpg)

The General of the 29 decrees: trannies get the rope, effectively immediately.

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