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File: 8cdb02bf471ade0⋯.png (198.27 KB,640x853,640:853,1693917288033586.png)

b6feff No.383150 [Last50 Posts]

Today I watched as a customer at the local mart talked about having recently taken the covid 'vaxx' and the illness he is now undergoing (vomting, fever). He thinks he somehow caught covid from the 'vaxx', likely because he doesn't want to accept that that 'vaxx' made him sick. Even if the 'vaxx' were legit, you wouldn't catch covid from it because it does not contain fragments of the virus in it like a normal vaccine.

I've tried to specifically search for normie-friendly MRNA pamphlets / resources via Brave search, but literally all I get is pages and pages of pro-vaxx propaganda (nice neutral search engine, faggots).

If they start locally offering the vaxx in my small white country town, I want to pamphlet people around me as a way to counter that. I'm also thinking of trying to picket at the local doctor's office and / or pharmacy if they start 'offering' it there.

Can someone suggest resources for this in terms of materials and perhaps support? The web searches are so pozzed as to be useless.

I hate public action, but I have an obligation to attempt to protect my small white town from being genetically targeted by the mrna goyim exploder.

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5fd1d0 No.383151


RE: small white town

you accidentally misspelled "penis"

no wonder you're jealous of jews

Everybody knows Jewish guys have bigger dicks than white guys

lol @ you thinking

covid or vaccines

still "matter"

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5fd1d0 No.383154


For nearly a century, there's been a famous phrase used by mother's, when giving advice to their daughters:

"Find a Nice Jewish Guy, and Settle Down"

….it's actually THE ubiquitous advice given to daughters since long before you were born

It has nothing to do with Jewish men being lawyers and doctors (although anybody knows that if you ever need a lawyer, definitely hire a Jew, because they're much better attorneys… and if you need surgery, definitely find a Jewish doctor, because they're simply better than white people when it comes to surgical procedures or anything requiring a brain)

It has nothing to do with the fact that Jewish men are brilliant (although you might complain about Jewish people running hollywood, but thank God for the jews, because they single-handedly made America's Hollywood into the world gold standard for entertainment)

nope…. it has nothing to do with any of that

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b6feff No.383155


jew goes mask off

wonders why he gets expelled every time

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5fd1d0 No.383156


nope, Bozo…

It has nothing to do with Jewish men's money or Savvy business acumen, or their ability to persuade people and succeed in this world….


The reason mothers have been telling their daughters "find a nice Jewish guy and settle down" is becauseJEWS HAVE BIGGER DICKS

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5fd1d0 No.383157


me?….. ME??!! JEWISH???

hahahaha NO, DUMBASS

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5fd1d0 No.383158


no, Bozo….. I'mNOTJewish

not at all, dipshit

Obviously, I'm simply more knowledgeable than you.. I know things you don't know, because I've been on the planet longer than you

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5fd1d0 No.383159


your mother is a lot of things

But first and foremost

she's a WOMAN

they all are…..

And that's exactly why mothers would always advise their daughters to find a nice Jewish guy with a big dick and that will keep them happy

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5fd1d0 No.383160

I'm amazed you didn't

realize this fact

Seriously.. it's not a secret.. I'm amazed you didn't realize Jewish guys have bigger dicks

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5fd1d0 No.383161


hint: 90% of male porn 'stars' are jews

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5fd1d0 No.383162

….. and that's exactly why mothers always tell their daughters to find a nice Jewish guy and settle down

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5fd1d0 No.383163

So the more you complain, the smaller your penis appears

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5fd1d0 No.383164


I mean, OBVIOUSLY you have no

real life experience or interactions

with Jewish people whatsoever,

either good or bad

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5fd1d0 No.383165

If you didn't even realize Jews dicks are a lot bigger than yours, then you obviously don't know very much about Jewish people

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5fd1d0 No.383166

And if you don't know anything about jews, then OBVIOUSLY you've never done business with one of them before, or owned a business with one of them, or even paid attention to the way they run a business

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5fd1d0 No.383167

But since it's a work day, and you're obviously not working, then you don't know jack shit about business anyway

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5fd1d0 No.383168

So far all I see is an unemployed, inexperienced, angry frustrated man with a tiny little penis

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5fd1d0 No.383169

So far all I see is an out of touch lonely man with diminutive genitalia, with no job, no money, and no clue what's even currently "interesting"

(your covid vaccination bullshit is so 2019.. get with the program, slowpoke)

Perhaps you missed the memo:


If you paid me, I will gladly keep you up to date with what's currently interesting.. that way, you don't have to keep looking so stupid

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5fd1d0 No.383170

the man with the little white penis

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b6feff No.383171


i like how mad this makes you

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5fd1d0 No.383172

and his "anti-vax anti-jew" garbage

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5fd1d0 No.383173


mad?…… lol

I'm literally SMILING

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5fd1d0 No.383174


why wouldANYBODYbe "mad"

that YOU can't get any pussy?

we think it's HILARIOUS

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5fd1d0 No.383175


it's yet ANOTHER Friday night, Romeo

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5fd1d0 No.383176


I'm sure you've noticed how quickly these weekends keep happening, one after another after another.. and it goes on and on and on and on

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5fd1d0 No.383177

Do I seem mad to you?

Is there anything about me that seems angry right now?

If so, you're a terrible judge of reading people.. you are horrible at detecting other people's emotions or attitudes

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5fd1d0 No.383178


Yep It Seems Like Only Yesterday it was last weekend.. and here we are once again


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5fd1d0 No.383179


Friday once again.. and there you are all by yourself

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8c0841 No.383180


it's noon where I'm at.

i looked it up and say that it's around 7pm in Israel tho

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5fd1d0 No.383181

All by yourself in front of that obsolete little computer of yours

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5fd1d0 No.383182


Friday night once again.. and we all know what comes after Friday night, don't we?

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8c0841 No.383183


at this point, i think i'm more interested in seeing how long i can keep you going

this thread is cross-posted at 4chan if you'd like to help bump it there too -


i need all the visibility i can get

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5fd1d0 No.383184


That's right!! You guessed it!


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5fd1d0 No.383185


I don't give a fuck WHERE you cross-post or cross-dress, Sassypants

because I know where youWON'Tbe posting it:

between a woman's legs

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5fd1d0 No.383186


you keep ALLOWING yourself to be a sexual romantic failure

you're actually going out of your way to NOT get any pussy


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8c0841 No.383187


I haven't seen this much projection since I watched a movie on my neighbor's garage door

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5fd1d0 No.383188

you're sitting in front of your stupid computer

you play videogames


'anon' lol

a parrot…. SQUAWK!!!

"normie" "chad"

"stacy" "roastie"

all the parroted catchphrases, to be sure

but no pussy……

that's YOUR CHOICE, Abnormie

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5fd1d0 No.383189


projection, huh ?…… lol sure

I'm married, dumbass

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5fd1d0 No.383190


congratulations on the "proving me correct when I Saif you're a catchphrase parrot @ projection" accomplishment

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8c0841 No.383191


so you're married and still can't get pussy

must be tough having a jewish wife

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5fd1d0 No.383192

lol you subprimate…..


how can I be "projecting" the fact thatYOU DONT GET ANY PUSSY?

you're brilliant, aren't you?

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5fd1d0 No.383193


lol my wife is 100% German, you lonely little videogame sissy

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8c0841 No.383194

File: 928dd35ea54fb3f⋯.png (5.06 KB,360x135,8:3,ClipboardImage.png)


it says Friday

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8c0841 No.383195


for a jew, lying is its own reward

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5fd1d0 No.383196

Hey stud boy.. what video game are you going to be playing this weekend?

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5fd1d0 No.383197


Again, proof that you have never interacted with a Jew Kike in your entire life


Even you freely admit they run the world, so why would they need to fabricate anything?

it'sYOUwho has no accomplishments, no experience, and no girlfriend

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5fd1d0 No.383198



Q: well I'm getting deepthroat from my wife this weekend, which videogame will you be playing?

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5fd1d0 No.383199



Q: WHILE* I'm getting deepthroat from my wife this weekend,which videogame will you be playing?

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5fd1d0 No.383200


I'm guessing fortnite?

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5fd1d0 No.383202


Or are you more of an OverWatch guy?

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5fd1d0 No.383203


But no woman will let you have sex with her.. that's for damn sure

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8c0841 No.383204


right now i'm enjoying the game of watching you sperg out for no discernable reason

is this really all that mossad bucks can buy nowadays?

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5fd1d0 No.383205

No woman will let you boss her around under the blankets

Not even the most desperate fat ugly woman wants to fuck you, because they can do better obviously

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5fd1d0 No.383206


There are 4 billion women on planet Earth, and not even one of them gives a fuck what you enjoy

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5fd1d0 No.383207


But you're a big man when it comes to video games

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5fd1d0 No.383208

When it comes to video games, You're the Big Man on Campus aren't you?

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8c0841 No.383209


i got the information i needed from 4pol, btw

i'm now primarily interested in how long you can go on for

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5fd1d0 No.383210

but when it comes to WOMEN, you're a little man

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5fd1d0 No.383211


I don't give a fuck about anything you say, you sniveling sack of shit

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5fd1d0 No.383212


You seem to be of the mistaken opinion that YOU somehow play role in this

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5fd1d0 No.383213


I don't give a fuck who you are

I don't give a fuck where you are

but I know exactlyWHATyou are

You're a little bitch

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8c0841 No.383214


oh no, i'm already quite convinced that you're only talking to yourself

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5fd1d0 No.383215

And notice how you haven't been able to deny a single goddamn thing I've said.. every single word I'm saying is 100% true

It's important I let you know that you're not fooling anybody

You didn't become an image board douchebag by being Mr popular or the high school jock

You're a fucking bitch

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5fd1d0 No.383216

You deserve to hear that

Believe It or not, it will make you a better person

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5fd1d0 No.383217

I'm glad you stumbled into my spider hole, sissy boy.. that's Nature's Way of letting you finally hear it, so you can accept the fact that you're a fucking bitch

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8c0841 No.383218


i have to run up to the store

i'll be back in about ten minutes

please keep going tho

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5fd1d0 No.383219

The sooner you embrace the fact that you're an effeminate fucking bitch, the quicker you can run back and play video games all weekend while real men get their cocks sucked

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5fd1d0 No.383220


As you are already painfully aware, nobody gives a fuck where you go or what you do.. adios Lonely Boy

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8c0841 No.383221


imagine how ugly this jew is irl

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5fd1d0 No.383222

fucking 4chan FAGGOTS

you can all lick my balls

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5fd1d0 No.383223


Obviously you're the only idiot in here who doesn't already know what I look like

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5fd1d0 No.383224

File: 5b7700b885ef3c4⋯.jpg (201.78 KB,720x1280,9:16,US_.jpg)


videogame sissyboy

lil Mr FORTNITE lol

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5fd1d0 No.383225



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5fd1d0 No.383227

File: c31f4e975566977⋯.jpg (88.36 KB,677x587,677:587,PicsArt_05_28_09_18_01.jpg)

File: fe783b06141c3b4⋯.png (1.08 MB,960x1280,3:4,wendy_dec_20180311221433_2….png)

File: 544e022fece5a34⋯.jpg (225.37 KB,1100x1467,1100:1467,PicsArt_02_01_08_37_38.jpg)


it's called A WIFE…..

A wife is a woman who invests her life into your life.. Believe it or not, it's possible to get a female emotional and sexual life companion

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8c0841 No.383231


i bet that bitch is crazier than you

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5fd1d0 No.383244

File: 65ff18d126cfd10⋯.png (1.22 MB,1080x1449,120:161,Screenshot_20230908_130715….png)


But instead of laying the groundwork to find a girlfriend, Here Comes yet another weekend, and you're going to be sitting there playing video games like a little girl

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5fd1d0 No.383247


Apparently, being heterosexuals not high on your priority list…..

Not as important as the next cheat code on a video game

I guess you're not much of a man?

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8c0841 No.383251


>I guess you're not much of a man?

i could whoop your ass

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5fd1d0 No.383252

Actually, it's very coincidental you would mention her……

Because ironically enough, she happens to be a complete genius.. in fact, it very often becomes frustrating becauseshe's always right

I know you wouldn't understand this, because you have no experience sharing your life with a woman, or with anybody for that matter, other than your mother

But it can be very frustrating when your wife is a complete genius, because she will ALWAYS BE CORRECT !!!


She is the most well-trained, most knowledgeable registered nurse I've ever met, and I've dated a ton of nurses in my life

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5fd1d0 No.383253


If 4 billion women aren't intimidated by you, why should any man ever be intimidated by you?

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5fd1d0 No.383254


Too bad there aren't any cheat codes to real life

You've never been in a fist fight, not even once.. you've never actually been in a real fist fight in your entire life

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5fd1d0 No.383255


I actually did an entire year in prison for beating the shit out of somebody half my age and twice my size

I'm not talking about the county jail

Jail is like the kiddy rides at an amusement park….

nope…. I went to PRISON

I'm what they call "chain gang"

yep…. I was convicted of aggravated assault

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17b9a3 No.383256


if she were a good RN, she wouldn't be so negligent in administering your meds

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17b9a3 No.383257


i'll choke you in under 3 minutes

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5fd1d0 No.383258


You're good at math, aren't you?


and not even ONE thinks you're half a man

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5fd1d0 No.383259


of course you will, RAIDEN….

or is it LIU KANG ?


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5fd1d0 No.383260


It wouldn't take me that long to choke you

I was born with an unusually wide penis and kind of Fathead on top

You'd be choking real quick, little girl

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5fd1d0 No.383262



Which video game are you going to be playing this weekend while I'm emptying my testicles into my wife?

HALO ?…..


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17b9a3 No.383263


wanna find out?

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17b9a3 No.383264

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5fd1d0 No.383265


I'm not sure which game you will be playing……

but I damn sure know which game you WON'T be playing:


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5fd1d0 No.383266



If you can't fuck, you certainly can't fight

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5fd1d0 No.383267



You can't fuck, you can't fight, and you can't support yourself because you don't have a job

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17b9a3 No.383268


i'll pay you 500 dollars if you can beat me in a fight

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5fd1d0 No.383269



During the weekdays when real men are out there at their jobs, earning a living.. you're sitting in here, fantasizing about being a tough guy

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5fd1d0 No.383270


You don't have a job, but you're using the internet

Because obviously you still live with your mother

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5fd1d0 No.383271


Are you going to borrow the $500 from your mommy?

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17b9a3 No.383272


if you're so tough, should be easy money.

come on, $500 USD.

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5fd1d0 No.383273


You're the only idiot in here who doesn't already know my physical address

I post it all the time…. dumbass


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17b9a3 No.383274


we can use our fight to raise funds for the cause

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17b9a3 No.383275


well post it again, i don't feel like looking it up

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5fd1d0 No.383276


you are LITERALLY theonlyperson in here who doesn't know where I live

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5fd1d0 No.383277


When you're finally smart enough to figure it out, I'll be right here, little boy

Bring all your imaginary video game friends with you

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17b9a3 No.383278



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5fd1d0 No.383279

AGAIN : you can't fuck

you can't fight

and you're unemployed

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5fd1d0 No.383280

That's a nice resume.. if I were you, I wouldn't go bragging about that

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5fd1d0 No.383281

And you wonder why the world laughs as it overlooks you? Really? Are you really that dumb?

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5fd1d0 No.383282

That deafening silence you hear? That is the world laughing at you as we Overlook you

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5fd1d0 No.383283

That's the sound of being disregarded offhand….

You should be used to that sound by now

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5fd1d0 No.383284

File: 46d476b994b7bef⋯.png (166.23 KB,1343x1489,1343:1489,Picsart_23_08_20_22_49_08_….png)

Maybe if you got a job a woman might notice you?

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80b8df No.383285


Nearly EVERY search engine is under Government Bolshevik Control today. CENSORED. FILTERED. TRUTH SCRUBBED. You cannot rely on search engines anymore! You have to know your news sites now. You have to know what sites are legit, and which are State-run propagandist bullshit!! Did we not warn you people this was happening YEARS AGO. Oh yes. We did. Welcome to HELL.

Follow the real news @ End Times News and start making notes on what is legit.

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80b8df No.383286

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000044

Anti-Police Democrat Politician Left With Broken Leg, Bloodied Face, After Violent Carjacking In Minnesota


DNC Is Cheating Robert Kennedy Jr. In Primaries To Favor Biden, Kennedy Needs To “Win Almost 80% of All the States” Under Undemocratic System


"Climate Change": Eco-terrorist Quebec Man Charged With ARSON After Setting Wildfires, Causing Evacuations


As of September nearly 15,000 square kilometres of forests have been destroyed, and countless people displaced.

Despotic Corrupt American-hating US Government Waging War Against Innocent Organic Farmers


Despite no laws broken, Golden Valley Farms was raided. Government goons "went through everything," Fisher says, "the house, every building and the barn. They just raided through everything."

MY COMMENT: Something not seen since the Soviet Union was still around!

Government Is Mass Murdering The American Population, Does Anybody Care!? Hello!?


If you don't speak out against it sooner or later, you and your family will become victims too!

America's Closer To Imploding Under The Weight Of Its Own Absurdities Than Many Realize


US Intel Official: Media Misleading Americans About Ukraine’s Battlefield Success


MY COMMENT: The State-run media misleads the American public on EVERYTHING. They are propagandists loyal to the government, and only the government's interests!

ADL Caught Spying On American Families For Governments To Make Blacklists


It is being reported that artificial intelligence (AI) robots trained by the 'anti'Defamation League, a Jewish supremacy group, are now eavesdropping on Call of Duty video game players through the software's in-game voice chats.

More And More US Banks Are Being Temporarily Taken Offline! Beta Test For Debt Default? What Is Going On?


Pastor Dave Scarlett of HIS GLORY Talks END TIMES with Mike Adams


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5fd1d0 No.383312

File: 1dc259101edc6a9⋯.png (629.18 KB,1058x993,1058:993,Picsart_23_09_08_17_57_12_….png)

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5fd1d0 No.383313


hahahaha !! you're ABSOLUTELY INSANE

your poor daughter !!

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5fd1d0 No.383314


lol @ your daughter & son-in-law moving you down into the basement just like Ashley Schneider

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5fd1d0 No.383315


be honest…….. okay ?……

you smell like urine….. don't you?

most people your age smell like urine

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5fd1d0 No.383316


I already know you urinate on yourself frequently

you admitted that a few years ago…

but be honest….

you shit yourself, too…. don't you?

now I'm finally beginning to understand why they put you in the basrment

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5fd1d0 No.383317

File: a1b00e68cf84d57⋯.png (1.41 MB,1080x1526,540:763,Picsart_23_09_08_18_14_55_….png)

I don't blame them

you've been destroying their marriage ever since you called and started begging for help

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