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c24d07 No.382869


We have our say yet again. We will not bow down to this evil. No.

Speak Out. Stand Up. Stay Strong.

Into the reading:

Wants Libraries filling children’s minds with pornography depicting “gay people doing gay things”

The American Accountability Foundation (AAF) has published a shocking report about American Library Foundation (ALF) President Emily Drabinski, a self-described "queer" Marxist who has made it her business to subvert traditional family values and morals every change she gets.

An AAF investigation reveals that Drabinski has basically made "subversion" her life's mission. A major component of her "queerness" involves promoting perversion at American libraries so children will be exposed to it and possibly convert.

According to Drabinski, libraries have an obligation to carry books about "gay people doing gay things." And anyone who opposes this, in Drabinski's view, is part of an "angry, white mob."

Concerning local and state laws prohibiting LGBT groomers from indoctrinating and trying to convert children to their cult, Drabinski does not feel as though she needs to abide by them.

"It becomes difficult to think about laws as something [that] needs to be complied with," Drabinski is quoted as saying – check out the full report to learn more about Drabinski and what she is doing to make American libraries more perverse.

(Related: In Oregon, a self-proclaimed "queer surgeon" is openly bragging that Oregon Health and Science University [OHSU] cranks out a "high volume" of child sex changes using genital surgery robots.)

Perversion run wild: Emily Drabinski represents everything that is WRONG with America today

Drabinski has said a lot of highly offensive things already, including her bizarre claim that the Dewey Decimal System is not okay because the religious works it contains are "overwhelmingly Christian" and present heterosexuality as "normative."

Drabinski is also critical of the library system as a whole because she feels as though it sees "gender as a binary system with only two acceptable gender markers." Sorry, Drabinski, but it is true: there are only two genders, and they are male and female.

When some libraries started to remove vile and sexually charged LGBT books and other materials from their collections, Drabinski complained that this "crushed" her. She did, however, get excited about a "magical" book she discovered at 14 years old that featured "fantastic queer sex in a field."

Other things that are important to Drabinski, based on her public admissions, are drag queen story hour events, communism, and anything LGBT-centric that introduces children to sexual perversion at seemingly the youngest possible age.

Because she is a public figure who has admitted to all this openly, Drabinski now has an entire report written about her that highlights everything that is wrong with what she thinks and believes, and how it threatens children and families everywhere.

If American libraries all move in the direction that Drabinski wants to take them, then these public resources will eventually become dens of iniquity – and nothing more – where children go to lose their innocence while joining the Cult of LGBT.

"Do you know who your existential enemy is?" one commenter asked on a Substack recap from the AAP about Drabinski. "Best think about it and ready yourself for what's coming."

"She's correct that we should all ignore laws that are immoral," wrote another. "However, the problem is that her view of morality is perverted."

"These people are clearly degenerates and pedophiles, and we will never win the war as long as we fund systems (i.e., zero accountability public schools) instead of giving parents the option to send their kids somewhere else with the money that the parents themselves earned," wrote another.

The LGBT infestation of schools, libraries, and other places children frequent is creepy and disturbing.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

453e92 No.382878


you are broke….

you can't afford quality clothes or housing.

you're white trash

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

453e92 No.382879


Curtis albert, it's not our fault that you disenfranchised yourself many decades ago.. you're not being replaced, because you haven't actually mattered. There's nothing to "replace"

Are you suggesting there's a conspiracy afoot, where people intend on taking your place on that sofa, collecting welfare benefits, and trying to attract sexually inexperienced young adult males?

do you actually think anybody wants to "trade places" with a washed-up old FOOD STAMP WELFARE RECIPIENT LIKEYOU?

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f409b0 No.382886


My favorite part is how you think if all white people vanished, the world would end. It won't. You might live in a 98% white neighborhood, but you live in a 1% white world.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3c50d2 No.382887


I fucking love porn

t. gooner

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