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99646c No.382845

Hey Young Americans, Were Those Massive Student Loans Really Worth It?


MY COMMENT: All you got was a radical left government with a collapsing economy. Will the liberal arts and social justice rewards save you from poverty?

Nordstrom Closes Shop In San Fransico As Dollar Stores Lock Up Merchandise


Other major retailers in the area, including Old Navy Whole Foods, AT&T, Anthropologie, AmazonGo, Office Depot, and Saks Off Fifth Avenue, closed earlier this summer. Remaining stores have been forced to lock up their stock to deter shoplifters.

Massive Teen Hordes Swarm Two California Malls: Beatings, Gunfire and Stabbing Ensue


Chicago News Crew Robbed At Gunpoint While Reporting On String Of Robberies


The Three Phases Of Covid ‘Vaccine’ Death, What Most Of The Vaxxed Have For A Future


#DoNotComply & Stick Your Vaccines Up Your Ass Is Going Viral On Social Media, Everywhere!


Tucker Carlson Warns America Could Be In The Middle Of A World War By Next Year


Putin suffers his worst night of bombardment since invading Ukraine: Zelensky's drones blast four military transport planes and six Russian regions are hit - but Kyiv also suffers 'massive' missile attack.


Russian military aircraft were damaged and civilian aviation was disrupted in the drone attacks, Russian officials said, citing Pskov, Bryansk, Kaluga, Orlov, Ryazan and Moscow regions as targeted, as well as Russian-occupied Crimea.

BRICS Nations Have Already Begun To Dump The US Dollar For Oil Trade


The modern left’s assault on free speech is perhaps the most terrifying element of the madness we have succumbed to for the simple reason that democracy is meaningless without it.


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99646c No.382846

Food Prices Set To Increase Above Historical Average


Farmers Insurance Lays Off 2,400 Workers As Insurers Pull Back From California


MY COMMENT: From what I've heard, farmers and ranchers have been leaving Commiefornia in droves since the covid plandemic. They are totally sick and done with that corrupt state.

Commiefornia: LA Authorities Released Robbery Suspect Just One Day Before She Committed Another Heist


We obtained through public records requests the first in a series of police body cam recordings. Find out what the police and school board officials REALLY think about YOU when they forget the camera is rolling.


America Is Far Too Corrupted & Subverted To Save, Brace For Total Collapse & Horrific Chaos


US Military Whistleblower Revealed Operation Warp Speed Deeply Divided Ranks, Infighting, Suicides & Violence


In addition to triggering a massive wave of new myocarditis cases, the United States military's Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccine" mandate also led to a substantial rise in cases of attempted suicide and other forms of violence.

MEDIA BLACKOUT: Multiple Family Members And Couples Are Suffering COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries & Sudden Deaths


Australia’s First COVID Deaths Were All FULLY VACCINATED, State Records Expose


The domestic enemies to the constitution in this sheriffs department should be charged for their crimes.


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has argued that Donald Trump is the man who can save the Western world and that the former President had the greatest foreign policy he has seen over the past several decades from any United States President.


Cornel "Black Bernie" West Says the Democrat Party Is Unable To Meet Needs of the Poor


MY COMMENT: It's much worse than that! THEY DO NOT WANT TO HELP POOR AMERICANS! They wish to gut out lower class working America! They want us replaced, they want us gone! Look at every stinking policy the Demonrats promote! It causes debt to increase. It causes taxes to increase. It causes crime rates to increase. It causes poverty to increase. It causes overdoses and suicide rates to increase. It causes mental illness to increase. It causes illegal immigration to increase. It's not a conspiracy simply connecting the dots and calling it for what it is!

BRICS Nations Have Already Begun To Dump The US Dollar For Oil Trade


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99646c No.382861

>BRICS Nations Have Already Begun To Dump The US Dollar For Oil Trade

Because they see the writing on the wall. They know. They've seen how nations collapse before, first hand. They KNOW.

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d3cab9 No.382913

Too bad patriotism is punished while treason is rewarded today.

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