What is important?
Having our Say Conan!
Why? Free Men have a VOICE! Slaves are Silent! We
wont play by the color blind rules. We refuse to pretend
that ALL 'humans' are equal in any way. That is a LIE.
Stand tall because all it takes to completely wrench up
the conservative world view is to suggest that non-
Whites will continue acting the way they always have
for all of history.
The color blind cucks have zero solutions, every
solution they have is contingent on non-Whites
completely changing or on us just allowing our selves to
be destroyed for some 'noble mission' that is purely
death cult insanity.
Liberalism/Marxism/ZOG filled our institutions with
bugmen who are not agreement capable, and now that
they've totally destroyed the peaceful political process -
they complain about the rise of "fascists."
We welcome the rise of 'authoritarians' because look
where playing nice with liberal/Marxist/Judeo-
Bolshevik Culture Destroyers got us - the worst decline
the west has ever seen. They don't have the ability to
meet us halfway. If we don't steamroll over their
opposition, they will continue destroying everything
here. They are a plague and so-called "fascism" is the
A good strong Nation based on Christ and Race …
White Christian Imperium … Lovely.
So today we start with the 'big normie' news, critique
that and then go on to more important things.
Now to the reading:
Third World America here we come.
Trump becomes first US president in history to receive
Trump’s surrender comes at overcrowded, violent and
insect-ridden Georgia jail. It has come to this.
The other co-defendants — which include attorneys
Ray Smith, Robert Cheeley, Shawn Still; Illinois pastor
Stephen Lee; former Black Voices for Trump executive
director Harrison Floyd; former Kanye West publicist
Trevian Kutti; and former Coffee County official Misty
Soon this will be us: Argentina: Leftist Movements Coordinate Wave of Supermarket Lootings and Robberies in the Country –
Huh? The embers are still smoldering and Hawaii Gov. Josh
Green is “already thinking of ways for state to acquire
that land” – Jews doing land speculation, lol.
In the past month, NINE recycling plants across the U.S.
have burned down: What’s going on?
ANOTHER ONE? American Plant Food Corporation
fertilizer plant in Texas BURNS to the ground … Lots of FIRE. Holocaust … FULL BURNT OFFERING! Death Cult???
But clear your mind since:
Biden now trying to ban “racist” DATA, claiming
information, by itself, represents white supremacy … Racist reality.
Government sides with Marxist Communist Jewish Lead
BLM, allowing terrorist members to spread GRAFFITI all
over America’s cities.
They hate you.
Hell the brainwashing is so real many whites SELF HATE for brownie points from the Judeo-Bolsheviks:
Ohio Sheriff Says 'It's Okay To Be White' Is 'Sickening
Hate Speech'
In Washington Township, Ohio, flyers saying "Protect
Our White Children" and "It's Okay To Be White" were
legally distributed last week.
Despite this activity being protected by the First
Amendment, despite the fact that "hate speech"
doesn't exist under US law, and despite the fact that no
rational human being would consider these statements
hateful (not that it matters), Montgomery County
Sheriff Rob Streck is investigating a literal non-crime
and trying to identify the "suspects" who think it's okay
for White people to exist.
Remember that all day every day equality is a lie. Our Nation first and only - Since no border no real country or nation or identity false BS about humanity is a lie.
No Border – No White America.