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7c6cc1 No.382638

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000022

Face It, Love Him Or Hate Him, Ted Kaczynski Was Right: He Predicted The Demise Of Our Current World


New York City Has Turned Into A Migrant-infested Impoverished Ghetto As Protesters Clash Outside Mayor's Home


More than 100,000 migrants have poured into New York City since April 2022, overwhelming the government's capacity to house and feed them. Many residents of the city and surrounding areas are growing increasingly resentful of the measures Adams has approved, from kicking wedding parties out of hotels to shipping migrants to suburban counties and even housing adult men in the gyms of actively-used elementary schools.

They wanted to fundamentally transform America, and they have succeeded. So now instead of a “Leave It To Beaver” society, we have a society where literally anything goes. Our families are disintegrating, traditional moral values have been completely discarded, our young people are running wild in the streets, crime is totally out of control, and our system of government is melting down right in front of our eyes. So what is going to happen to our once great nation if things just continue to get even worse? Our politicians like to tell us that “America is great because America is good”. But the truth is that America stopped being good a long time ago.


American Poverty Spreading Fast As Dollar Stores See Record Shoplifting


The corporate state is intent, apparently, on ramping up its propaganda against so-called “climate deniers,” presumably to set the rhetorical groundwork for more extreme legal and social action against them in the future.


Track Arson Fires: Have A Well Prepared Plan In Place To Fight Nearby Fires In Advance, DO NOT Rely On Firefighters!


MY COMMENT: Cut back trees near your home if you live near wooded areas! Having ponds across the property is good buffer too! If not, have a local service that can deliver dump trucks filled with gravel rock and have them form a "gravel moat" around your property. This will likely cost you at least a couple grand and your family may not like it, but you better do something smart if you live rural because they are coming to destroy what we own as in the WEF/Davos "Great Reset" "you will own nothing" blueprint! Expect eco-terrorist arson to expand, we are facing a VERY DANGEROUS CRIMINAL CULT nation wide!!!!

No One Gives A Shit. We Will Drink When We Want, How Much We Want. So Fuck Right Off.


MY COMMENT: Stock up on booze, you're going to need it for bartering and pain relief.

Everything Is About Racism To Know-nothing Control Freaks


Sane BRICS Nations Expand Footprint In The Global South


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7c6cc1 No.382641

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000023

BEWARE: Imploding Biden Economy Spawns FRAUDULENT SCAMS Targeting Consumers Of All Kinds


They are intentionally starting this COVID bull crap again, with the specific intent to steal the Presidential Election (again) the same way they used COVID to do that in the year 2020. Exact same playbook. They build it up, and build it up and scare people for months, then go into "lockdown" which they lie and say "It's just two weeks; to flatten the curve." Next thing you know, they're saying "We can't have people coming out to vote in a pandemic, we need mail-in ballots." And THAT is how they steal the election.


WEF Terrorists Are Very Happy Western Birth Rates Are Down


FEMA Officials Turning Maui Visit Into Luxury Holiday While Lahaina Residents Suffer Without Aid


Sane Greece Government Arrests Arsonists for Starting ‘Climate Change’ Fires


“You are committing a crime against the country” said Civil Protection Minister Vassilis Kikilias, warning that arsonists have attempted to set new fires in Mount Parnitha, north of Athens.

Bankrupt Evergrande Crashes As Much As 87% After Resuming Trading Following 17 Month Halt


US Puppet Zelensky Secretly Buys Mansion In Egypt To Flee Certain Death


Could The West Be The Victims To Their Own State-run Propaganda?


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9e4145 No.382675


LOL @ how you've spent your entire life bitter and resentful at anyone WHO DOESNT DROP OUT IN THE 10TH GRADE

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9e4145 No.382676

lol @ you thinkingANYBODYreads any of your threads

hahaha you waste SO MUCH EFFORT on this, and nobody ever reads it

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9e4145 No.382677


bathroom stall graffiti gets

read more than your threads

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9e4145 No.382678

your headstone should say

"here lays killcen. he wasted his life copying and pasting shit nobody ever read"

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34b8df No.382697

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000023

BEWARE: Imploding Biden Economy Spawns FRAUDULENT SCAMS Targeting Consumers Of All Kinds


They are intentionally starting this COVID bull crap again, with the specific intent to steal the Presidential Election (again) the same way they used COVID to do that in the year 2020. Exact same playbook. They build it up, and build it up and scare people for months, then go into "lockdown" which they lie and say "It's just two weeks; to flatten the curve." Next thing you know, they're saying "We can't have people coming out to vote in a pandemic, we need mail-in ballots." And THAT is how they steal the election.


WEF Terrorists Are Very Happy Western Birth Rates Are Down


FEMA Officials Turning Maui Visit Into Luxury Holiday While Lahaina Residents Suffer Without Aid


Sane Greece Government Arrests Arsonists for Starting ‘Climate Change’ Fires


“You are committing a crime against the country” said Civil Protection Minister Vassilis Kikilias, warning that arsonists have attempted to set new fires in Mount Parnitha, north of Athens.

Bankrupt Evergrande Crashes As Much As 87% After Resuming Trading Following 17 Month Halt


US Puppet Zelensky Secretly Buys Mansion In Egypt To Flee Certain Death


Could The West Be The Victims To Their Own State-run Propaganda?


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34b8df No.382698

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000024

Another "Coincidence", Private Properties Owned By Jeff Bezos and Oprah Winfrey Were Not Burned Down During Maui Fire


Since when do natural disasters immune rich oligarchs and media celebrities from destruction!?

Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Miami, Chicago, New Orleans, Houston, Austin, Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle. All 14 of these cities are under WEF/Davos Bolshevik control. All of them should be avoided in the future. If you value your freedom, you might want to leave these cities and not look back.


Mainstream Media Finally Worries About Urban "Doom Loop" Theory And Future Economic Implications of Balkanization


Balkanization is the fragmentation of a population from larger regions to smaller regions, which may be hostile or uncooperative to one another. It is usually caused by differences in politics, ethnicity, culture, religion and other past grievances. Governments have often called it runaway secessionism.

The World Map is Being REDRAWN! (It's Soon Over For The US Empire of Lies!)


"I'm here to support Trump because they been doing black men like this for decades."


Corrupt Bolshevik DOJ Politically Targeting Elon Musk. "You Hire Too Many American Citizens!"


USSA Consulate Employee Arrested In Capitalist Russia


Covid Clot Shot Injured Kid Cries About "Not Being Warned", OH BUT SORRY KID, YES WE DID WARN YOU!


You better stop believing State-run media's lies next time!

Rep. James Comer’s House Oversight Committee has already assembled a bundle of evidence tracking the exact ways and means of how the Biden family’s global bribery operation worked. That includes the bank records, the emails and deal memos, the chronology of meetings, the FBI documents, the phone recordings, the photos of “JB” schmoozing with Hunter’s “clients,” and the famous video of “Joe Biden” bragging onstage at the Council on Foreign Relations about how he strong-armed Ukraine President Poroshenko into firing General Prosecutor Viktor Shokin. Next, Speaker McCarthy has to form an actual impeachment inquiry committee.


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34b8df No.382699

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000025

IT WAS ALL LIES! 99% of 'Covid Deaths' NOT Primarily Caused By Virus, CDC Data Shows


The Western World Is About To Deliver Some Very Bad News To Its Young Adults


Young people are about to pay the hardest price for decades of bad policy and governmental debt insolvency.

Tucker Carlson Apologizes To Hungary On Behalf Of America, Slams Disgusting US Ambassador Over Lack Of Diplomacy


"The point of diplomacy is not to hector other nations for its own sake," said Carlson. "To show up in someone else's country and scream at them because they're different from you." "And so for a creep like David Pressman, who is not a diplomat - who's a political activist and Biden donor - to show up in your country and lecture you about your culture, and threaten you because you do things differently from the way they do things where he lives… hurts the United States and is a grave embarrassment to me as an American, and an outrage to me as someone who pays his salary. It's disgusting."

MY COMMENT: Thank you Tucker Carlson for being brave enough to stand up for America's interests and exposing the corrupt trash running our country.

Love Him Or Hate Him. Donald J. Trump Will Forever Be An American Icon.


National Archives Acknowledges 5,400 Biden Pseudonym Emails, Faces Lawsuit For Their Release


Judge Rules Kari Lake Lawsuit Seeking Mail-In Ballot Signatures Will Go To Trial


Mentally Ill Transgender Males Are Raping Inmates In Women's Prisons


State-run AI Bots May Eventually Flood The Internet With Garbage & Trash


MY COMMENT: Probably already happening covertly today. Know where the decent information resides, learn how to detect the bots and ignore them. Keep offline backups of media content you desire too, as a way to preserve content of value from being scrubbed or hidden from you. I've already told people do not expect the internet to hold much value in the future as corporations & governments will most definitely find ways to ruin our experience.

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