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036672 No.382426

A very sketchy "illegal lab" discovered in California back in March, that was infecting mice with a strain of COVID with a heightened Gain Of Function.

This press conference happened 3 weeks ago, but there's been nothing about it on the news.

(due to the /live/ url, I can't embed it in 8kun)

it's well worth watching…



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036672 No.382427


As you will learn in this video, the illegal lab was actually run by China, located next to a California Military Base that would be used in the event of a conflict with China over Taiwan.

And for some reason, they were creating a small army of Highly infectious mice, possibly to be released in the area, which would completely disrupt the military bases ability to operate effectively

There's so much about this story that doesn't make sense

But the thing that's most confusing isWHY HASN'T THIS STORY BEEN ON THE NEWS??!!

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036672 No.382428

I almost forgot that Killcen can't watch YouTube videos, because he has slow old-fashioned dial-up internet

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036672 No.382429


perhaps you could put a couple donkeys on a treadmill, and hook it up to a REAL INTERNET PROVIDER?

It's 2023…. you are one of only 37 people on planet Earth who still use dial-up internet service

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