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File: 0255b4fc0478b81⋯.png (582.74 KB,1080x1084,270:271,Screenshot_20230824_154558….png)

9589fc No.382295

Mark, Mark, Mark…..

tsk tsk tsk

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9589fc No.382296

File: c158a6f4505d860⋯.jpg (95.58 KB,800x533,800:533,HM3MBBULAVAVP3C2BIO7C6V4HA.jpg)

Douchebucket Jeffrey Clark is already in Atlanta, and will be heading to the deplorable Rice Street Jail this afternoon

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9589fc No.382298

File: e33522b3441ed98⋯.jpg (162.65 KB,1024x1024,1:1,nF6U4E06KzrP9jxQU1Pr_1_bdm….jpg)

The FAA has announced a flight restriction over Atlanta between 6:00 and 9:00 p.m.

That's just enough time for him to land, go to The Rice Street jail for processing, back to the airport again, and fly back to Florida…

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9589fc No.382299

File: df18443e588a546⋯.png (602.02 KB,1080x1071,120:119,Screenshot_20230824_160046….png)

Donald Trump campaign attorney Kenneth Chesebro thought he'd be "crafty" by demanding he get a "speedy trial", convinced Fulton County can't convict him if he has a separate trial…

lol trust me, Kenny Boy……

it'll be speedy enough….

because even if it takes 3 years, you WILL be convicted in Georgia

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