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File: 5ec037f66b001fa⋯.png (1018.07 KB,1080x1076,270:269,Fulton_County_Jail_Inmate_….png)

528d08 No.382292

He's getting fitted into his rigid plastic "girdle" as I type this, and psyching himself out to prepare to leave in a caravan and head to the airport.

some have speculated that he would time his arrest with the East Coast's 6 PM home from work / dinner & news crowd, to "maximize viewers"…

here in Georgia, there will be plenty of viewers, but the majority of us will be laughing…

Georgia is no longer a Red State.

Fuck Trump….

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528d08 No.382293

….and YES …

I said GIRDLE….

Trump wears a hard plastic

"thinning" body girdle…

YouTube NOEL CASLER, the guy who worked with Trump on Celebrity Apprentice & the Teen Miss America Pageants, and Miss America….

Noel Casler explains everything about Trump behind the scenes, the drugs, the relationship with epstein, the adult diapers, the girdle, all of it

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