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File: b7cb76349b4e3d7⋯.webp (26.03 KB,900x450,2:1,F4L2BzhWUAAIUdx.webp)

cbc98d No.382250

Mugshots are being taken. Georgia is not fuckin' around. The MAGA crime syndicate is going down.

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a6a5d5 No.382252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


lol yep…..

in fact, the media here in Atlanta has been unhinged stories about how everybody in Atlanta is LAUGHING & PARTYING because of it…

no shit…. those are the news stories here:

"Atlanta laughs at trump"

Giuliani flew out this morning. he just arrived here at Hartsfield a little while ago

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a6a5d5 No.382253



that was a TYPO


I meant to say POSTING stories about Atlantans LAUGHING AND CELEBRATING

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a6a5d5 No.382254

File: b9463d5a7443d97⋯.png (61.54 KB,747x368,747:368,Screenshot_20230823_115910….png)

how the fuck did autocorrect confuse POSTING and UNHINGED?


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a6a5d5 No.382255


I saw a brand new interview with Giuliani, I'm assuming it was shot yesterday afternoon….


instead of hair dye dripping down his head, this time he's obviously trying to bronze his face like trump, but he doesn't know how to apply the bronzer, and it looks like he smeared feces over the front of his face, while the parts of his face closest to his ears remained bluish White

I would have to go digging through my history to find the interview, but I'm confident the photograph will pop up in the next 24 hours, just like the hair dye photos

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a6a5d5 No.382256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

sorry, my bad

he didn't land at Hartsfield

he landed at Peachtree Dekalb

much closer to Buckhead where I'm at



it really, really is

sure it has problems

duhhh everywhere does

but it has LESS problems

than any other city it's size

it has E V E R Y T H I N G

everything you'd ever want

in overabundance

high quality shit

the best restaurants

and entertainment

and business

and gorgeous women

and culture

and fine arts

and education

and beautiful scenery

and recreation

and architecture

and old south charm

and forward hi-tech


it's the best…. I've seen the others

and they ain't shit

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a6a5d5 No.382257

when I find the new "incorrectly applied facial bronzer" Guliuliani interview, of course I'm gonna screenshot the shit and use it in my graphics…

of course

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a6a5d5 No.382258

File: edbbe3504d87f63⋯.jpg (130.44 KB,1445x718,1445:718,Picsart_23_08_23_12_52_01_….jpg)


these young hoodlums will learn a valuable lesson, when they gain structure in their Georgia Department of Corrections Prison Cells…

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a6a5d5 No.382262


the best part?

it's untrained negro DEPUTIES that take your blood sample at Rice Street… not a phlebotomist.. not a "nurse", not a "physicians assistant", not even a receptionist…

a stupid fucking black female Fulton County Deputy….

and youWILLsubmit to a blood draw, as long as you're charged with a felony…..

ALL inmates charged with a felonyWILL SUBMIT TO A BLOOD SAMPLE

and the monkey deputies "blow veins" all the time.. ALL THE TIME

there terrible at taking blood…

I've been there… trust me

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a6a5d5 No.382263


ooops speech to text typo


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a6a5d5 No.382267

File: aaabd82f207d7d4⋯.png (673.37 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230823_142539….png)

I read a different article last night where the Atlanta residents being interviewed were quite literally INSULTING the fuck outta Trump and the entire MAGA FAGSHOW

it was hilarious…. yet it was mainstream news, which made it even funnier

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cbc98d No.382268

File: d6fa137e82f8aec⋯.png (1.57 MB,1400x1400,1:1,lol_jail.png)

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cbc98d No.382269


I love that Giuliani can't find a lawyer.

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