- Time to Tribe Up White Man! https://www.bitchute.com/video/hixs09xPY3CK/
Speaking out against the Silent War – Time to Tribe Up White Man!
The silent war against White people is the most
important topic that should be discussed every day. It
doesn't get the coverage that it should, because most
White people have accepted their own genocide due to
indoctrination, they just happen to be cowards, or
they're traitors to their own people.
If this was a racist, White supremacist country where
White people are privileged and oppress non-Whites,
you would not be able to openly speak about it. If you
substitute White for jewish, this statement aligns with
Oh Hitler … Whites aren’t allowed to have their own
countries because of a pile of shoes …
Yeah gonna have to pass:
Oppression is when fliers are distributed saying You know who run the media, the banks, lead the homosexual movement,
and pass anti White legislation.
Privilege is when White people are victimized by blacks
through record crime rates and their plight is mocked
and derided by the 'oppressed and marginalized' professional victims class of jews, homos, feminists, blacks and assorted browns …
Every brown country on earth is a dangerous, crime-ridden shithole.
Must be because of the WHITE FOLKS… Ever notice
how the default explanation of brown failure is "White
people bad."(Colonization)
When America was colonized, it took roughly 100 years
to build and become a world superpower.
Then you have Liberia, a place considered mostly
untouched by Europeans, and the Africans today still
frequently cannibalize on each other.
"Must be because of the democrats or racism or
Have you ever noticed that Haiti has a lot of the same
problems as Zimbabwe and Mozambique? Probably just
a coincidence.