What is disclosure?
Disclosure is the knowledge of the actual laws of physics, the actual state of technology, and the actual actors in our world.
Why is disclosure important?
We need disclosure to know what to expect next.
What will the disclosure be?
It appears we live in a hyperdimensional holographic consciousness-based fractal recursive dream manifold.
It is populated by the military, 3D+ aliens, and 4D+ aliens.
Much of the new technology is antenna and UFO-based.
UFOs are electromagnetic gravitic vehicles using zero-point energy.
Alien UFOs are considered to be more exotic and full-featured.
The best UFOs have reality-domination capabilities such as those demonstrated on Kyle Odom.
There are supercomputers involved with AI systems that are attached to antennas to enable synthetic telepathy.
Synthetic telepathy allows remote reading of brain waves, hallucination generation, and remote motor control.
Dr. Robert Duncan is the synthetic telepathy expert.
Dr. Steven Greer is the UFO and physics expert.
All of the disclosure will fall in line with this information.
It is worth noting the new laws of physics allows all the psychic abilities of the past such as levitation, astral projection, teleportation, telepathy, remote viewing, telekinesis, manifestation, non-locality, and other similar timelines.
UFOs are very much based on these physics.