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File: 5f7e95e95f942bc⋯.png (790.98 KB,1051x604,1051:604,Screenshot_20230820_080609….png)

cf11e0 No.382023

A Russian Submarine has broken through a street in the Bronx, after surfacing due to a mechanical issue at 7:17 AM this morning. The Russian Spy Sub was secretly operating in the sewer systems of NYC, and when the crew experienced an unnamed navigational issue, the crew brought the Submarine up for air.

Surprisingly, nobody was hurt during the incident. Mayor Eric Adam's couldn't be reached for comment.

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cf11e0 No.382024

File: aaa9ec1d2aa58c3⋯.png (1.44 MB,1413x1080,157:120,Picsart_23_08_20_08_27_00_….png)

I'm confused. how did a Submarine get into the New York sewer system?

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cf11e0 No.382025

File: db6e566b7e3c769⋯.png (1.6 MB,1637x1080,1637:1080,Picsart_23_08_20_08_27_43_….png)

I would've never guessed that their sewer pipes are large enough to accommodate a submarine.

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cf11e0 No.382026

File: 26ec8d11788a63d⋯.png (1.54 MB,1602x1080,89:60,Picsart_23_08_20_08_29_00_….png)

The Russian crew is actually lucky they're still alive.

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