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File: af5abf14396031b⋯.jpg (130.48 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ofl8PvI9BgSfV698LhKG_1_u46….jpg)

3ff341 No.382005

If he didn't have enough votes in 2020, he certainly won't have enough votes next year.

How does that make you feel?

Would you like to share your feelings?


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3ff341 No.382006

File: e8645d3ca330b92⋯.jpg (26.75 KB,512x512,1:1,LKDXVKCQGT1ilEBNZ7g2_1_jrq….jpg)

and Rudy Giuliani is already in the process of supplying the DOJ with testimony against Trump, hoping to cut a deal with Jack Smith's Staff, after Trump recently refused to help pay for his legal fees.

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3ff341 No.382007

File: 77872a48252c787⋯.jpg (105.81 KB,1024x1024,1:1,sATUdOKPF61IMElwb1DV_1_b3w….jpg)

Giuliani willNOTgo to prison to save Trump…

lol @ trumps LEGAL DREAM TEAM

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3ff341 No.382008

File: e3e719dd7b817eb⋯.jpg (47.05 KB,512x512,1:1,d7Y4mPS5Y8fHaXDTrSnW_1_mjl….jpg)

Rudy actually thought he was Trump 2.0

lol now he's ready to throw Trump under the bus

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3ff341 No.382009

File: c6f7bdf0b0b8e16⋯.jpg (189.41 KB,1024x1024,1:1,LgntglY0013opHFn6dLZ_1_pwo….jpg)

AGAIN: how does it make you feel to realize Trump simply doesn't have enough votes to win?

to finally realize that YOU represent the MINORITY ?…

it must hurt… obviously…


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3ff341 No.382010

File: 51e0d5e8bab6a0b⋯.jpg (39.39 KB,512x512,1:1,jrRotVcHvzJ7Z2pWVAkV_1_k5o….jpg)

……………the legal dream team

and Trump never paid any of them a god damn penny…

he never pays ANYBODY…

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3ff341 No.382011

File: d1bb3e5309554c3⋯.jpg (35.27 KB,512x512,1:1,JYNw0p0WNUmUFB6y0jHL_1_a99….jpg)

Trump attracts losers….

always has always will

he singularly and specifically attracts failed, disenfranchised losers, who somehow think they can ride on trumps loudmouth false bravado…

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05f015 No.382039

File: 0cee9e4ca454300⋯.jpg (69.96 KB,500x749,500:749,41cf79b10f3de2466946bddb5e….jpg)

Divine Wisdom, lots of topics with bible verses and such and yes theres is knowledge about the True Jews and False Jews at the End Cough cough Acts and Amos. Please ask God for guidance.


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