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File: 0c48ad1644680a9⋯.jpg (305.68 KB,1280x720,16:9,78080e1c2277bcad2f652.jpg)

bfa6ba No.381959

The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation continues to analyse the military and biological activities of the U.S. and its allies in Ukraine and on the territory of other countries.

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bfa6ba No.381960

File: 07f0a51c0edd519⋯.png (20.65 KB,510x220,51:22,source.png)

The Russian Defence Ministry continues to publish the names of officials of biotechnology corporations and other Pentagon contractors, involved in the implementation of U.S. military-biological programmes on the territory of Ukraine.

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bd659f No.381979

File: 3b9f3231c0d32cc⋯.png (830.88 KB,1080x1137,360:379,Picsart_23_08_18_15_23_26_….png)

File: 5c00d1105270292⋯.jpg (317.53 KB,1925x1080,385:216,Picsart_23_08_18_16_15_08_….jpg)

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File: e43db53b9015916⋯.jpg (443.6 KB,1600x1080,40:27,Picsart_23_08_18_19_10_23_….jpg)

File: faf914cb3fe66f1⋯.jpg (407.5 KB,2000x1168,125:73,Picsart_23_08_18_15_14_19_….jpg)

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bd659f No.381980

File: 7f90f220ab20dee⋯.jpg (252.33 KB,960x1280,3:4,Picsart_23_08_17_19_29_54_….jpg)

File: 4d21cdb10a1bd5e⋯.jpg (372.32 KB,1080x1549,1080:1549,Picsart_23_08_17_16_05_35_….jpg)

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File: 6f5a3d86e8fe151⋯.png (1.91 MB,3464x1869,3464:1869,Picsart_23_08_17_14_21_16_….png)

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bd659f No.381981

File: f31d857ba7060d3⋯.png (1.84 MB,1080x1480,27:37,Picsart_23_08_17_17_13_53_….png)

File: 06eaa08f6d39265⋯.jpg (388.34 KB,1080x1550,108:155,Picsart_23_08_17_15_48_23_….jpg)

File: 689b0055612f60a⋯.jpg (313.05 KB,1100x1080,55:54,Picsart_23_08_16_19_55_10_….jpg)

File: 9d49cc1e7a9b193⋯.jpg (317.78 KB,1280x1280,1:1,Picsart_23_08_16_16_42_18_….jpg)

File: 67ed0e8e9aa5f10⋯.jpg (332.88 KB,1619x1080,1619:1080,Picsart_23_08_14_09_01_34_….jpg)

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bd659f No.381982

File: ef2f9a764a594e8⋯.jpg (244.03 KB,1196x1196,1:1,Picsart_23_08_18_21_38_12_….jpg)

File: 2fecf7ea6a72088⋯.jpg (264.02 KB,1107x1107,1:1,Picsart_23_08_18_21_38_54_….jpg)

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File: f6837172fe4b08b⋯.jpg (335.37 KB,1280x1280,1:1,Picsart_23_08_18_21_40_09_….jpg)

File: ce530bede36971a⋯.png (504.29 KB,1935x1080,43:24,Picsart_23_08_17_20_20_33_….png)


lol @ using the European spelling of "defense"

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bd659f No.381983

File: a7a6bcfaa098f95⋯.jpg (296.09 KB,1280x1280,1:1,Picsart_23_08_18_21_41_48_….jpg)

File: 7804d21865a1237⋯.jpg (244.3 KB,1075x1075,1:1,Picsart_23_08_18_21_42_23_….jpg)

File: 5ac1bf62223df8a⋯.png (1.73 MB,1080x1386,60:77,PicsArt_12_20_05_51_27.png)

File: 3fa138ad6094fab⋯.jpg (161.84 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_22_01_06_23_16_24_….jpg)

File: 1325f6dce68b011⋯.jpg (186.42 KB,1920x1080,16:9,kmc_20220509_201000.jpg)

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bd659f No.381984

File: 0923a4dcc2cb95f⋯.jpg (88.34 KB,500x375,4:3,553663_118438001645593_169….jpg)

File: cf5bbfce7e4d4b0⋯.jpg (81.48 KB,429x322,429:322,560861_113014962187897_130….jpg)

File: c84af683d767a0e⋯.jpg (69.9 KB,600x450,4:3,320483_113023545520372_746….jpg)

File: 189536fdac973ce⋯.jpg (70.88 KB,500x316,125:79,281550_118438458312214_210….jpg)

File: 3cfae5a7517e868⋯.jpg (73.59 KB,500x375,4:3,16981_118438154978911_1876….jpg)

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bd659f No.381985

File: a0c3ab5d7903d6c⋯.jpg (135.21 KB,1200x900,4:3,b772cab6_1877_47c4_913c_27….jpg)

File: 404b4d76f11abec⋯.jpg (461.46 KB,1920x1440,4:3,Johnny_Neptune_s_5_ELECTRO….jpg)

File: 6e9fb6b4c7b1917⋯.jpg (84.63 KB,720x450,8:5,jn_girls.jpg)

File: d17e037395582a3⋯.jpg (244.77 KB,1197x720,133:80,2014_01_29.jpg)

File: 0abf835a944b6d0⋯.jpg (465.75 KB,2048x1536,4:3,2POINT0.jpg)

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