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13c05d No.381858

Doom Loop Walking Tour Of San Francisco Sells Out

There's a new entertainment option for people morbidly fascinated with San Francisco's relentless decline: a "Downtown Doom Loop Walking Tour."

The, anonymous, dry-witted host invites tourists to "discover the policy choices that made America's wealthiest city the nation's innovative leader of housing crisis, addiction crisis, mental-health crisis, & unrepentant crime crisis." It's not clear if this will be an ongoing offering, but the maiden tour set for Saturday, August 26 is already sold out.

More liberal perks in San Francisco Bay Area. Crime in California is at highest level ever!!!

— Dhruven Patel, Twitter X

"You will find no better expert," reads the tour's promotional page. "Your guide is an urban policy professional, card-carrying City Commissioner overseeing a municipal department with an annual budget over $500m, and cofounder of San Francisco's largest neighborhood association. He has spent hundreds of hours on both sides of the government dais, shouting into the opposite abyss."

"The tour will start at City Hall, and continue through Mid-Market, the Tenderloin, and Union Square. We will view open-air drug markets, the abandoned tech offices, the outposts of the non-profit industrial complex, and the deserted department stores."

San Francisco has deteriorated so much that federal officials are now advising hundreds of Health and Human Services employees to work remotely for the foreseeable future, rather than wade through "one of the city's most brazen open-air drug markets" that's just outside the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building on Seventh Street.

Government Bureaucrats instructed to work from home where Federal Office is now unsafe to access.

This is what the people of San Francisco voted for. A Crime wave and homelessness wave. Their liberal laws are now backfiring on them, and they are seeing why law and order is needed.

Instead of profit, the tour guide is apparently seeking an outlet for his policy frustrations. He says the tour "is the result of his own mental-health crisis," and that he'll donate proceeds to "a non-profit that does not actively degrade its community."

"How can a city with a $14.6 billion annual budget be a model of urban decay? How can it spend $776.8 million per year on police and have no rule of law to show for it? How can it spend $690 million on homeless services and receive an official United Nations condemnation for its treatment of the homeless (cruel and inhuman, violation of multiple human rights)?"


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6b7177 No.382082

Future historians will look back on this and be appalled.

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9cba4b No.383397

They got what they voted for.

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13c05d No.383815

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51ec29 No.383859

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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b436ae No.383913

bumping factual rational news

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f2ac52 No.384004

bumping non-bias news

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346711 No.384254

bumping undebatable news

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3a747e No.384664

bumping forbidden news

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13c05d No.384878

third world USSA

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13c05d No.384991

bumping absolute news

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349ae5 No.385049

anti-slide 56388658

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e2e13a No.385117

Russia and China don't have to fire a shot when it comes to World War III, America will simply kill itself from within.

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8a2878 No.385521

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000087

America Is A Sitting Duck As Biden's Oil Drain & New Mid-eastern War Fuels More Crisis


Everything that should have been avoided was not and everything that should have been done was not done.

Neo-con RINOs Plot To Bring Back McCarthy To Fund Israeli War


Russian President Putin Addresses Middle East Crisis, Western War Destabilization


Saudi Prince Says He Is Working To Contain Israel-Gaza Fighting


A View From Israel: David Icke Talks With Israeli Freedom And Peace Activist Shai Danon


Government of Israel Commits GENOCIDICAL ATROCITIES Against 2 Million Palestinians


Cutting off ALL essential resources from the region including food and water is a form of genocide against innocent civilian populations, regardless what a handful of terrorist murderers have done.

Israeli Officials Call For Ability To Use NUKES Against Gaza Residents


As Gaza Recovers From Real Attacks, CNN Stages Fake Ones ???


Israel Loosens Strict Gun Control Laws After Civilians Killed From Hamas Attacks


Israel-Hamas Conflict COULD HIT AMERICA As Intel Report Says Terrorist Suspects Are Crossing Our OPEN BORDER


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99bd88 No.385696

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000091

US Military Only Pays $1,800,000 For Thousands of Covid Clot Shot Health Damage Injuries


DNA Contaminants In COVID Clot Shots Can Trigger Cancer, Alter Human Genome


Very Glad To Have Stocked Up On Over The Counter Items In The Past!


Saudi Prince, Iran President Hold Call On Israel-Hamas War


Erdogan Orders Hamas Leaders To Begin Hostage Negotiations


Natural News Statement On Hamas Terrorism and Israel's Ethnic Cleansing


Israeli Journalist Says He Saw NO Evidence of ‘Hamas Beheaded Babies' During Media Tour of Village, Could Have Been False Flag!


Jordanian Armored Personnel Carriers Nearing Border From Jordan To Israel


Hezbollah Kills Israeli Soldiers With Kornet Anti-Tank Missiles Taking Out Israeli APC At South Lebanon Border


Oil Prices Surge Following Large-scale Clashes Between Israel and Palestine


Other commodities are also being affected by the conflict.

America Is A Sitting Duck As Biden's Oil Drain & New Mid-eastern War Fuels More Crisis


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3a747e No.385835

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000102

Gullible Humans Fall For Yet Another False Flag Psyop: HOLY WAR!


Israel has the best, most powerful border patrol and security in the world. By far. Their surveillance is state-of-the-art, operating 24/7. They vet ANYONE who wants a passport before entering their country. How on Earth did they fail to do their job right when a bunch of terrorists with machine guns flood out from Gaza? At the very least they must have allowed it to happen, so they could finally justify leveling Gaza and expanding Israel territory. So a few Jews were sacrificed to make that happen, big deal right? Just like the American government sacrificed 3,000 Americans on 9/11 for endless wars in the Middle East back in 2001.

Hamas Releases Footage Of Them Feeding and Clothing Israeli Babies Whom Allegedly Were Beheaded


MY COMMENT: This footage was released by Hamas to prove the Israel & US governments LIED about the beheadings! There is still NO PROOF to that claim! Were they kidnapped? Yes! But there is no proof Hamas has killed these kids. A deal should be made to give the kids back to their parents!

Biden Claimed He Saw “Confirmed Pictures” of Hamas Beheading Children Turns Out A COMPLETE LIE


GOP Lawmaker Flies To Israel To Rescue Americans After Tons of Requests


Why [Every Nation] Needs A Second Amendment


If you are armed, you can protect yourself from criminals or terrorists who want to hurt you and your family.

Hal Turner Makes A Brutal But Good Point: Just Let Them Kill One Another


I am 61 years old and for much of my life, I have seen the Arab/Israeli hatred for each other manifest in tragedy after tragedy, fight after fight, war after war and frankly I'm sick of it. I say, let them fight it out to the death… Their never-ending fighting, bickering, and warring has been going on since before Jesus Christ walked the earth two thousand or so years ago. And these Barbarians - and that's what they are - have hated each other, deceived each other, fought each other, and killed each other for that entire time.

If You Eat Fast Food, You Are Eating Poisoned Food


Kissinger Finally Admits Leftist Migration Policy Will Collapse America (That Was Their Plan All Along!)


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3a747e No.385859

An Economic Worst-Case Scenario For The Israeli-Palestine War


Americans Remain Stuck In Gaza As Evacuation Deal Falters


100 Fortified Bulldozers Will Lead Israeli Invasion of Gaza


Massive Bomb Hits Gaza, Death Tally Unknown


At Least 12 Journalists Have Been Killed In Gaza


9 More Hostages Killed In Gaza Strikes


Democrats Want To Allow 1 Million War-torn Palestinians Into Our Country


Probably not the best idea just because many of them hate our guts and rightly so.

Russia's UN Ambassador Calls For Ceasefire In Israel-Gaza Conflict


MY COMMENT: I stand by Jim Willie's recent alert no matter how kooky he may sound!! I think Jim is SPOT ON. The news is starting to prove it! This conflict was staged by the US and Israel, not only to takeover Gaza and expand territory (that's just the icing on the cake), it was to grab & extract valuable resources within the Gaza strip, but most of all it was to throw the Middle East into another major war! The MIC (military industrial complex) gets to profit from it, so they are happy, the US and Israel get to undermine the alternative BRICS trade union and halt China's One Belt One Road project, and OPEC+ will face wars that destabilize their oil dominance and thus their entire economies! A very strategic move. All of that, AND they can mass murder those they hate, and maybe if we allow them to heck, draft undesirables into their wars. After all, you cannot easily compete with a corrupt evil Empire if endless war is right in your own backyard and you have to engage in it or defend yourself. Deliberate destabilization is what the Empire of Lies does best!

Jim Willie's Take On The False Flag Israel-Gaza War, Global Economic Warfare & Criminal Conspiracy To Upend BRICS Trade


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3a747e No.386536

gfjs e4gaa LOSD(

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f2ac52 No.386984

o *4())IK:










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f8836d No.387134



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13c05d No.387273

Preparing for the collapse of America was a very smart idea!

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346711 No.387513


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