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e7ba34 No.381625

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000006

China Advances Their Directed Energy Weapon Technology, Far Outpacing All Other Nations



Did China Test Run Their New Directed Energy Weapon Technology On Hawaii!? A Russian Source Believes So!


MY COMMENT: IF so, it was retribution for the geo-engineered mass floodings that destroyed whole Chinese villages just a few weeks ago!! Anyone remember that!? I'm sure the people operating HAARP do!!



Top Economist Warns America Has Already Become A Banana Republic, 'Mad Max' Scenario Inevitable


MY COMMENT: Downward spiral to no return! Normal life, ethics and traditional values are GONE. Event horizon into the death of a blackhole has been reached. Prepared or not. It does not end well when you live in a nation that sold it's soul for lies and fraud!

Suicides In US Hit ALL TIME HIGH, Our Country Is Falling Apart


The Sanctions That Backfired: How The Russian Economy Still Thrives Amidst Turmoil


Illegal Immigration In Europe Causing Horrific Disease Outbreaks, Including Deadly Congo Hemorrhagic Fever


Glenn Greenwald: You Either Support Government Tyranny, Or Against Government Tyranny, There Is No "Left" or "Right" Anymore


Brazilian President Luiz Lula Silva To Joe Biden: Stop Focusing On War, Start Focusing On Economic Investment


Oliver Anthony: Your Dollar Ain’t Shit, A NEW HIT COUNTRY SONG


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60e571 No.381638

number one:

they already know how the fires started :

the hurricane winds knocked down a couple power lines

number two:

ground crews & death count cover up


1300 people are unaccounted for…

not "possibly thousands dead"

no "ground crew" claiming any cover-ups


and there's NO SUCH THING as a "hit" country song

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60e571 No.381640

lol @ fuckface Giuliani being indicted with Trump

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60e571 No.381641

I wonder if you've figured out yet that nobody clicks your links. You're sitting there wondering why you never get any engagement or money from reposts, etc, because you're too stupid to realize that literally not one single person on this planet gives a shit about you or what you have to say.

There is one, and only one, way for you to get engagement on your platform. Take a shotgun, turn on your camera, click "live feed", put the shotgun in your mouth, pull the trigger.

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60e571 No.381642


hahahahaha !!!!


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60e571 No.381643


number one:

they already know how the fires started :

the hurricane winds knocked down a couple power lines

number two:

ground crews & death count cover up


1300 people are unaccounted for…

not "possibly thousands dead"

no "ground crew" claiming any cover-ups


and there's NO SUCH THING as a "hit" country song

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60e571 No.381644

lol @ fuckface Giuliani being indicted with Trump

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60e571 No.381645


I wonder if you've figured out yet that nobody clicks your links. You're sitting there wondering why you never get any engagement or money from reposts, etc, because you're too stupid to realize that literally not one single person on this planet gives a shit about you or what you have to say.

There is one, and only one, way for you to get engagement on your platform. Take a shotgun, turn on your camera, click "live feed", put the shotgun in your mouth, pull the trigger.

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60e571 No.381646


hahahahaha !!!!


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60e571 No.381647

number one:

they already know how the fires started :

the hurricane winds knocked down a couple power lines

number two:

ground crews & death count cover up


1300 people are unaccounted for…

not "possibly thousands dead"

no "ground crew" claiming any cover-ups


and there's NO SUCH THING as a "hit" country song

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

60e571 No.381648

lol @ fuckface Giuliani being indicted with Trump

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60e571 No.381649

I wonder if you've figured out yet that nobody clicks your links. You're sitting there wondering why you never get any engagement or money from reposts, etc, because you're too stupid to realize that literally not one single person on this planet gives a shit about you or what you have to say.

There is one, and only one, way for you to get engagement on your platform. Take a shotgun, turn on your camera, click "live feed", put the shotgun in your mouth, pull the trigger.

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60e571 No.381650


hahahahaha !!!!


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60e571 No.381651


number one:

they already know how the fires started :

the hurricane winds knocked down a couple power lines

number two:

ground crews & death count cover up


1300 people are unaccounted for…

not "possibly thousands dead"

no "ground crew" claiming any cover-ups


and there's NO SUCH THING as a "hit" country song

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

60e571 No.381652

lol @ fuckface Giuliani being indicted with Trump

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60e571 No.381653


I wonder if you've figured out yet that nobody clicks your links. You're sitting there wondering why you never get any engagement or money from reposts, etc, because you're too stupid to realize that literally not one single person on this planet gives a shit about you or what you have to say.

There is one, and only one, way for you to get engagement on your platform. Take a shotgun, turn on your camera, click "live feed", put the shotgun in your mouth, pull the trigger.

Millions of views!

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60e571 No.381654


hahahahaha !!!!


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60e571 No.381655


number one:

they already know how the fires started :

the hurricane winds knocked down a couple power lines

number two:

ground crews & death count cover up


1300 people are unaccounted for…

not "possibly thousands dead"

no "ground crew" claiming any cover-ups


and there's NO SUCH THING as a "hit" country song

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

60e571 No.381656

lol @ fuckface Giuliani being indicted with Trump

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60e571 No.381694

I wonder if you've figured out yet that nobody clicks your links. You're sitting there wondering why you never get any engagement or money from reposts, etc, because you're too stupid to realize that literally not one single person on this planet gives a shit about you or what you have to say.

There is one, and only one, way for you to get engagement on your platform. Take a shotgun, turn on your camera, click "live feed", put the shotgun in your mouth, pull the trigger.

Millions of views!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

60e571 No.381696


hahahahaha !!!!


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053bfa No.381719



Ok that's strange … why do we have the same ID?

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5e6544 No.382360

Glad I prepared for the collapse of the Western world.

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