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04d2f5 No.381536

I'm 33 years old, I don't have a penny to my name, I can't afford to feed myself, and I spend every day fantasizing that I am an all-knowing deity, who has magical answers to solve The World's problems, then I beg for money so I can afford to buy a pack of cigarettes

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04d2f5 No.381538

I have got no taste in music, fashion, literature, art, or personal hygiene

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04d2f5 No.381539

Because I am a parasite who feeds off my host mother from downstairs in her basement, I have never had the luxury of having nice things, because I'm always busy settling for scraps that I scavenge from Mom

Because I don't have a job, I can't afford food, so instead of buying delicious quality healthy food to meet my taste, I have spent my life settling for any unhealthy processed crappy cheap white trash hot dogs and ground beef I can steal from Mom's refrigerator while she's asleep

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04d2f5 No.381540

I literally eat a garbage diet.. my mother's leftovers upstairs

I'm never the one who gets to decide what I eat

Just like a mangy rat, I crawl out of mom's basement at night and scavenge any scraps of leftover crap she or the paying housemates have in the refrigerator

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04d2f5 No.381541

Because I am mentally ill and refuse to find a job or apply for Schizo SSI WELFARE, I don't get to decide what clothes I wear. My mother literally buys my junkie crappy hand-me-down clothes at the Goodwill thrift store, and I will wear whatever she throws down into the basement.. because I'm a tapeworm

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