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File: 4186e18ea54b369⋯.jpg (52.67 KB,500x373,500:373,marijuana_from_marijuana_f….jpg)

3cb0a0 No.381502

Plant based drugs are based

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26b615 No.381511

File: b64641594b12ab4⋯.png (213.96 KB,1080x2265,72:151,Screenshot_20230813_212811….png)


gotcha, little man….. gotcha

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26b615 No.381512


don't give a FLYING FUCK where you live.....

don't give a shit

what country you're in...

that doesn't matter to me

gotcha, little man

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26b615 No.381525

File: a69b4057f20912c⋯.png (1.6 MB,1570x1080,157:108,Picsart_23_08_14_12_01_11_….png)

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41c6b8 No.382251


Aww man. I remember summers when I was a kid, going to my grandma's and plucking fresh pipes from the crack tree.

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ab6543 No.382285

File: c4e606a773a0cdf⋯.jpg (275.03 KB,1440x1800,4:5,362292789_298636622656913_….jpg)

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