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File: d2b84f3f7eb76b2⋯.jpg (79.02 KB,719x798,719:798,End_Times_News_3.jpg)

edd2fc No.381498

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000005

Alternative Information Directory: Find All Uncensored REAL NEWS Sites & Blogs


MY COMMENT: It took almost a year for someone to respond to one of "MY COMMENTS" with this link. Thank you! The real internet is indeed DYING and it's getting harder to find anything or anyone of any value! Bravo!

Sadistic "Elites" Punish America With Historic Suicide Rate As Half Of Its Soldiers Now Want To Die


MY COMMENT: If you even care about America, you better read this damning article! ALL THE EVIDENCE IS BACKED UP BY MAINSTREAM & GOVERNMENT SOURCES!

US Military Trust & Recruitment Drops To Record Low After Failed Policies Mount: "Hurrr Durrr, We Need A Mandatory Draft!"


MY COMMENT: SORRY. WE stood for PEACE AND LOVE and you stood for endless WAR AND HATE. You made your own coffins now you die in them!!!!

As Predicted, AI Chatbot Stinks Of Government Propaganda, No Real Intelligence At All


Judge Compares Biden Regime To Mafia For 'Strong-Arming' Social Media Companies


Real Estate Demand Plummets For Downtown Cities, Losing TONS of Buyers & Tax Revenue


Another US Bank Abruptly Closes Down, Leaving Clients To Scramble For Their Money


MY COMMENT: Expect more to come as the economy collapses before our very eyes! Better get what you need NOW! ASAP.

After 3 Years of TERRORIZING Doctors, FDA Now Says Ivermectin Is A-OK!


Democrats To Republicans: FACTS No Longer Matter, Our Politics Does!


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edd2fc No.381500

bumping well established news

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d1c815 No.381516

File: 4164fc1e77b104e⋯.jpg (71.02 KB,457x352,457:352,17084_118438618312198_6714….jpg)

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d1c815 No.381517


I drew this with a pen and some colored pencils a long time ago

it's not good…..

but it's not terrible, either

it's okay

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d1c815 No.381518



by the way, tell me what you think about this natural news story

you would know more about this topic than I do, so I'm interested in hearing your opinion.

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510907 No.381565

bumping real American news

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dd8ff3 No.381568


MY COMMENT: Mike Adams along with many other Americans have been warning about these signs for decades! Everything they said is coming to pass. Every horrific warning is being confirmed year after year, day by day. What more proof do you need to know this does not end well? What greater disaster needs to happen for people to start preparing for the absolute worst? There is a (once-covert) WAR against us: a WAR against America and our Constitutional freedoms that is becoming more hostile and often brazenly admitted by those in power. This oligarchy, the central bankers and the corrupted governments they hijacked really do want TOTAL POPULATION CONTROL and subjugation - they want neo-feudalism back. Even worse. They will kill and maim people to do it. They will destroy nations to do it. They will bring the world to war if they cannot have their way, even if it means total destabilization and mass death. These criminals do not fight fair and are extremely dangerous. The ultimate wet dream of these tyrants is to depopulate the masses and subjugate the survivors. Race and religion is of no importance to these people. They either want you dead, or an impoverished fully dependent slave who is micromanaged and inventoried like cattle. This of-course means abolishing private property, destroying the family, destroying wealth generation among the public, disarmament of the masses following forced re-location and re-education camps, the whole nine yards - they wish the death of the America that once was, completely and literally. Bolsheviks.

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510907 No.381609

bumping total news

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510907 No.381624

bumping censored news

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69f05a No.381658


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dd8ff3 No.382357

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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