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File: e1f8a858cdabcf9⋯.png (269.74 KB,841x862,841:862,image_2023_08_12_221613758.png)

50110d No.381460

All you little cunts out there looking like this while complaining about jewish people. Theres more important issues like poverty and hunger.

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df344c No.381461


those are equally as irrelevant as "not liking jews" or any of the other bullshit topics these douchebags talk about in here…

poverty and hunger have ALWAYS existed, and they used to be MUCH worse than they are these days

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df344c No.381462

and OBVIOUSLY,none of these Millennial gen z videogame anime imageboard dweeb have EVER INTERACTED WITH JEWS

they have never interacted with ANYBODY

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df344c No.381463

they also don't like WOMEN

And even a kindergartener instantly recognizes these guys have never interacted with any women in their lives, other than their mothers

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df344c No.381464

JEWS ?…………..

These isolated introverted awkward Misfits have never had any personal dealings with any Jewish people whatsoever

They've never done business with a jew, they've never had Jewish friends, they've never had a simple conversation with a Jew…


It's nothing more than a convenient unoriginal fashion trend, where they think they can spray paint themselves with a prepackaged condescending "anti-this, anti-that" mantra…

it's their "look at me I'm a big boy now" roleplay fagshow

Performed from their mother's spare bedroom, as they mooch off her, because they can't afford their own internet service, let alone rent or utilities or food

the classic textbook

"superior self" psychological


technique used by those

with inferiority complexes

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df344c No.381465



they say negative tropes about jews

Anybody with real life experience regarding Jews can tell you the truth:


far superior to "whites"

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df344c No.381466


your crybaby graphic is very accurate

these lifelong Misfits have always pouted about those who are superior to them

women….. jews…. even blacks…..


they seethe over the fact that even niggers are more successful than them…

anybody who has accomplished anything, they pretend to look down their nose at them

blacks, jews, women, ANYBODY WHO HAS OVERCOME ADVERSITY are who they "hate"

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df344c No.381467

however :

poverty and hunger are just as irrelevant as these imageboard faggots' angst

totally insignificant

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df344c No.381468

these videogame douchedorks will continue to seethe

just like people will continue to deal with poverty or hunger

the world will keep turning

and life goes on

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ffcf6c No.381470

הנגר ישו מסמר לך את התחת

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39a3b3 No.381509


GOOD !!! I hate the entire human race

not just one or two subgroups

I hate ALL races… humans are a cancer

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39a3b3 No.381510



GOOD !!!

that will help them starve faster

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