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31bdb1 No.381392


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31bdb1 No.381393

Who could ever forget the Great Power Grid / Internet Shut Down" of March 2022?….

I remember it like it was yesterday…

The power grid went down temporarily, but when the power grid came back up, THERE WAS NO MORE INTERNET…

I'm sure you all remember that catastrophe, where we had no social media, netflix, forums or video games.

Even the gaming consoles wouldn't work….

And then of course, DADDY GOVERNMENT stepped in, and began rationing access to the internet..

And of course, they did not ration the Internet by bandwidth, but rather by the TIME and METHOD…

And it's never gone back ever since it's been well over a year, and we are still being rationed piecemeal internet by Daddy Government….

and there was only one man intelligent enough to psychically predict the event.. he warned everybody, but they wouldn't listen

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