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File: 917fe50d3bedc6d⋯.png (471.94 KB,625x1314,625:1314,214421.png)

eca900 No.381194

Journalist Goes Undercover To Expose The ADL's Nefarious Social Media Censorship Regime

The ADL’s once-respected reputation now stands alongside the likes of the ACLU, Mafia, and those evil bastards creating gas station sushi – in other words, it’s in shambles. This is just another example of a “mask” being ripped off like a three-week old bandaid, exposing the ADL as another flunky for the progressive left. And their mission is clear: To censor and “cancel” anyone who dissents from their political views, deploying tactics like labeling individuals as “racists,” “bigots,” and “anti-semites,” among other things. Now, a recent investigative series has unearthed another card up the ADL’s sleeve: social media censorship, focusing on Elon Musk’s X. This revelation is serious; as the ADL’s latest actions go way beyond name-calling and silencing. In fact, many months back, Revolver published an exposé uncovering a troubling alliance between the disgraced ADL and PayPal, shedding light on a sinister and deeply concerning collaboration that catapulted the ADL into people’s finances.

For years, the debate over Big Tech and its threat to freedom has centered most prominently on free speech. At stake is whether or not conservatives, populists, or any free-thinking or independent-minded individual who objects to our Regime’s corrupt ruling class will be allowed to share their views on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, and even whether they will be allowed to create alternatives without being hounded out of business.

This battle is extremely important. But an arguably even more important fight concerns the financial ecosystem of the Internet, and on that front the situation is no less dire. Two weeks ago, PayPal abruptly announced a major new partnership with the Anti-Defamation League to investigate the financial transactions of its users:

PayPal Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: PYPL), in partnership with ADL (the Anti-Defamation League), today announced a new partnership initiative to fight extremism and hate through the financial industry and across at-risk communities. This is the latest effort by PayPal in combating racism, hate and extremism across its platforms and the industry.

Through this collaboration, PayPal and ADL have launched a research effort to address the urgent need to understand how extremist and hate movements throughout the U.S. are attempting to leverage financial platforms to fund criminal activity. The intelligence gathered through this research initiative will be shared broadly across the financial industry and with policymakers and law enforcement.


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eca900 No.381196


This arrangement ought to arouse enormous concern, not just from conservatives, but anybody who cares about the danger totalitarian woke capital poses to the basic liberties of Americans. At a minimum, simple prudence requires that conservative groups do everything they can to decouple their financial well-being from PayPal’s services. But more generally, rank and file users should look elsewhere as well, and Republican lawmakers should take interest in what is unfolding.

As will soon become clear, PayPal’s deal with the disgraced ADL ought to be treated as seriously as a massive data breach or hack of its users’ information. Earlier this year a hacker going by the moniker “God User” posted information on over over 700 million LinkedIn profiles on the DarkWeb; in 2019 Facebook experienced a devastating data breach concerning over 500 million users, whose information appeared online. Paypal sharing its user data with a radical political organization with a possible history of illegal activity must be treated with no less seriousness. In fact, the situation is far worse, as PayPal is intentionally inflicting this vulnerability on its users; unlike the data breaches described above, PayPal seems to have no intention of fixing the situation.

Both PayPal and the ADL have been remarkably cagey about the exact details of their collaboration. In particular, PayPal has done nothing to reassure consumers that it won’t be turning over enormous amounts of sensitive information to the ADL.

The ADL has their hands in a lot of pots, and this latest censorship venture, which was captured on camera by a citizen journalist who goes by the name Kyle is Based on X, is huge. In these first two clips, Kyle exposes the ADL’s alarmingly casual attitude towards censorship and banning people, totally disregarding the First Amendment rights of Americans as if it were an everyday occurrence—which it likely is. The ADL has even attempted to sway Elon Musk into banishing the top people on their private “hit list.”


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eca900 No.381197


"Went UNDERCOVER to expose the @ADL for their attempts to control social media platforms like @X.

Notice how casually they talk about censoring & banning YOU when they don't know they're on camera.

I edited our discussion into 5 IMPORTANT clips to showcase their power.

1/5 pic.twitter.com/fqTsyIv4eb

In this second hidden camera clip, I CAUGHT the @ADL discussing how they attempt to influence @ElonMusk to pick and chose who they want to be banned from HIS platform.

We must stop these unamerican organizations from trying to influence our platforms.

2/5 pic.twitter.com/uTBgMcBUML

— Kyle – Undercover (@kyleisbased) August 10, 2023


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eca900 No.381199


The following two clips are deeply concerning, as Kyle reveals the ADL’s use of secret software to scour through social media posts in search of what they label as “extremism.” Many Americans might argue that the ADL’s current actions could be considered “extremism” and possibly even mentally ill. And just like Revolver reported many months back, the ADL still has their hands in finances through crowd funding, Stripe and GoFundme.

In this third clip I CAUGHT the @ADL admitting to using secret AI tech software to comb through gaming streams and podcasts for extremism.

Who are they targetting?

Who are they to decide what and who is “extreme”?

3/5 pic.twitter.com/apASgMrPbi

— Kyle – Undercover (@kyleisbased) August 10, 2023

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eca900 No.381200


In this 4th hidden camera clip I EXPOSED the @ADL admitting to the manipulation and control of crowdfunding platforms like @stripe and @gofundme.

They have the ability to stop payment processing to anyone that spreads a message that they deem “hateful”.

4/5 pic.twitter.com/w49BU8pwdj

— Kyle – Undercover (@kyleisbased) August 10, 2023

Lastly, the final explosive clip reveals one of the most unsettling aspects of Kyle’s investigation; as the ADL openly acknowledges their efforts to influence local law enforcement and the FBI, essentially grooming them into their censorship forces.

In this final clip I CAUGHT the @ADL admitting to grooming local & federal law enforcement agencies like the @FBI into identifying “hate”.

This has already been used against conservative Americans and will only get worse. This sets a VERY dangerous precedent for our future.

5/5 pic.twitter.com/Q5lLdm9zri

— Kyle – Undercover (@kyleisbased) August 10, 2023

ADL Exposed: https://twitter.com/kyleisbased/status/1689627730600771584


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bcef94 No.381203

File: cc4467a1fdcf995⋯.png (160.08 KB,720x237,240:79,35_DAYS_8_10_2023.png)

nobody cares

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eca900 No.381214

bumping common sense news

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ad37e6 No.381252


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ad37e6 No.381254


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ad37e6 No.381284

anti-slide 5855

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bcef94 No.381291

File: 91bf057f0ef4428⋯.jpg (24.03 KB,1200x800,3:2,b25lY21zOmVhMmJhMTY4LWI0Yj….jpg)


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ad37e6 No.381300

bumping highly respected news

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f4220d No.381385

bumping non-bias non-State-run news

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f4220d No.381606

bumping factual news

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febcba No.381755

Glad I got prepared for the worst.

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036040 No.382365

Too bad patriotism is punished while treason is rewarded today.

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036040 No.383060

Glad I prepared for the collapse of the Western world.

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5b71f9 No.383373

Future historians will look back on this and be appalled.

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6b0072 No.384433

Glad I got prepared for the worst.

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36effc No.384761

bumping valuable news

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7259c8 No.384802

Glad I prepared for the collapse of the Western world.

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7259c8 No.384986

bumping trustworthy news

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7259c8 No.385469

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000081

The Collapse In Treasury Bond Demand Now Ranks Among Worst Market Crashes In US History


Bloomberg reported losses on Treasury bond with maturities of 10 years or more had notched 46% since March 2020, while the 30-year bond had plunged 53%.

FBI Ignores Growing Violent City Crime Rates, Focuses On Disgruntled American Civilians Instead


More political bias in law enforcement!

Biden's DHS To Let Another 200,000 Invaders Fly Directly Into American Cities


Not one city to be immune from deliberate destabilization.

Fake-Pope Vatican Satanist Francis Blames American Lifestyle For Natural & Govt Geo-engineered Disasters


How dare you plebs be able to provide food on the table and a roof over your heads!

LOL! Apparently Kevin McCarthy’s Ouster Is Putin’s Fault


American Life Expectancy Is Crashing, The American Empire Is OVER


Debt, weapons, drugs and alcohol has largely replaced the American GDP.



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edf8b0 No.385980

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000112

Spanish Government Minister Demands Israeli PM Netanyahu Face War Crimes Charges for Retaliation Against Gaza


Israel and Colombia In Diplomatic Spat Over Gaza Conflict


500+ Casualties After Israel Bombs Hospital In Gaza City


Up To 15 Red Cross & UNWRA Medical Staff Killed By Gaza Strike



US Neo-con Psycho War Hawks Risk Getting America Into War With Iran, Syria and Lebanon


While they anger Russia and China and the ever growing BRICS trade bloc.

Gaza Open Air Prison Hellscape Is A PILOT PROGRAM For Enslaving Us All


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a7a506 No.386249

How Biden's "Green" Agenda Is Making Homes More Expensive


The Biden regime has set its sights on a number of appliances to regulate as a part of its green agenda, including gas furnaces, water heaters, air conditioners and more, in an attempt to reduce carbon emissions.

Fed Admits Banks Suffered Massive Deposit Outflows Last Week


MY COMMENT: This is it! Those in the know are abandoning the system before it IMPLODES!

“The United States has overplayed its hand in weaponizing the dollar with sanctions. You're now seeing a lot of countries de-dollar their transactions because we’ve forced it. And this goes beyond even Russia, China, and Iran. Countries like Brazil or India still want to transact with Russia. They can’t do it with dollars, so we've forced them to de-dollarize their transactions, thus weakening the strength of the dollar in the world. The West is sleepwalking our way into world war three and putting civilization itself at stake.”


This wouldn't have happened if Americans prepared for the worst 10+ years ago.


Future Of The USSA? Israeli Military Killed Israeli Civilians While Targeting Hamas Enemies


Israel’s military received orders to shell Israeli homes and even their own bases as they were overwhelmed by Hamas militants on October 7. How many Israeli citizens said to have been “burned alive” were actually killed by friendly fire?

Israeli Think Tank Lays Out A Blueprint For The Complete Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza


Gaza Is Being Pummeled By Israeli Bombs (Tens Of Thousands Of Citizens Likely Dead Now)



As Gazan Citizens Scrounge For Food and Water, Hamas Sits On Rich Trove Of Essential Supplies


Hamas was well prepared in advance to overcome SHTF scenarios!

Large Explosions have now also been reported at the Al-Omar Oil Fields in Northwestern Syria which houses a US Operations Base.


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dbe5b9 No.386444

File: d6eeee188e48bf5⋯.png (1.02 MB,816x596,204:149,skepticalCatCapture.PNG)


I care.

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ad37e6 No.386551


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febcba No.387003

}P:{>":(#Q)4re t

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