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File: 1d845985b5c00a7⋯.png (941.59 KB,1203x1020,401:340,235523.png)

1e1c63 No.381064

Now Look At The Wreckage Called America, A Subverted Hijacked Police State…

Cops Arrest Teens For Reading Bible Outside Drag Queen Event For Children

As if Americans have not suffered enough from an oppressive third world totalitarian regime who is destroying the American economy, banning the sale of all basic appliances, weaponizing the Justice system to attack the First Amendment of the US Constitution, allowing illegals with polio and tuberculosis into the United States to spread deadly disease, ordering social media companies to censor their users for dissent, bullying business owners for defending their right to stop looting and theft in their stores, bringing the US into the brink of an unwanted highly dangerous and unpopular world war, now teenagers are being arrested for reading the Holy Bible! If there was any indication that our country is doomed to become a failed communist third world despotic state, this may be the nail in the coffin that proves it once and for all.

Four young Christians were arrested Saturday in Watertown, Wisconsin while they were preaching the gospel at a public drag queen show focusing on sexually abusing children.

A video of the arrest of one young man, Marcus Schroeder, was posted and shared on various social media platforms. The one-minute and 29-second video clip shows several police officers approaching Schroeder as he is standing on a public sidewalk outside the event reading the Bible over a loudspeaker. One of the officers, who has sergeant stripes on his sleeves, suddenly grabs the microphone away from him. As he questions what they are doing, the officers inform Schroeder he is being arrested for violating a sound ordinance about noise amplification.

Then the video shows three officers grabbing the young man and leading him away in handcuffs. Another young man, Nick Proell, was detained and removed from the park but was later released with a warning, according to The Republic Sentinel.

Jason Storms, who took the video and shared it on Twitter, is the minister of evangelism at Mercy Seat Christian Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin. In a post to the church's Facebook page Wednesday, he said his daughter was among the four who were arrested.

"A bunch of people from our church joined with other Christians (about 100 of us in all) to minister to those attending a drag queen show for children in Watertown, Wisconsin," Storms said. "Rather than arrest those sexualizing children - the police arrested four Christians exercising their First Amendment rights including my daughter and one of my sons-in-law."

"It was open to the public, thus the public's right to free speech carries with them. One was arrested later in the day for preaching on the public sidewalk outside the venue and is being charged with unlawful use of sound amplification and resisting arrest," he said.

Storms also claimed several police officers were present at the park to provide security for the drag queen show, in which performers dressed in lingerie were seen "dancing and gyrating in front of little children, who were invited to give them one dollar bills."

According to Wisconsin law, causing a child under the age of 13 to view or listen to sexual activity is a Class F felony.

If the child has not attained the age of 18, it is viewed as a Class H felony.


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1e1c63 No.381065

According to Wisconsin law, causing a child under the age of 13 to view or listen to sexual activity is a Class F felony.

If the child has not attained the age of 18, it is viewed as a Class H felony.




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485337 No.381067

File: 184fd3e8e4e8ad2⋯.jpg (383.47 KB,1414x1080,707:540,Picsart_23_08_08_11_18_42_….jpg)


Chickens lay eggs through their buttholes.. it's the same hole they shit out of….

When you collect your eggs, they are covered in chicken feces…

You get chicken feces on the bottoms of your boots when you are out there collecting the eggs

Then you walk into your daughter's house to wash the feces off the eggs in her kitchen sink

And your feet track chicken feces all over your daughter's house.. whether you can see it or not, you have completely contaminated your daughter's house with chicken feces and fecal bacteria

If fecal bacteria glowed in the dark, your daughters s'mores could illuminate the entire state of Missouri

tell us about the chicken feces in your daughter's kitchen sink!!


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1e1c63 No.381068


The police are not your friends, man. And also, it's useless to fight and spread the Gospel in public spheres anymore.

It literally does no good, and doesn't work.

It only turns you into a social pariah if you speak the actual word of God.

I know, because I would post Bible verses to the police department and sheriff's office to get them to repent for arresting me by posting Bible verses, and information regarding the deaths of the unrighteous from the Apocalypse of Peter, and all they did was ban me.

It literally doesn't work.

Cops are not your friends and they are not Christian.

They might sometimes say they're Christian, but so does everybody else who doesn't even read the Bible.


I hate to say it, but I think you are right. It's OVER. America is doomed to the fate similar to the collapse of the USSR - with millions dying. If any kind of sanity comes from the deadly collapse, we'll have another populist arise like Putin in Russia. Russia is still pretty totalitarian but not as bad as it once was under the USSR. Same might very well happen to the USSA. I don't think Constitutional law will ever fully recover. It's been abandoned.

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1e1c63 No.381069


MY COMMENT: You use a special pare of mud boots when going in and out of the chicken coop, and NO the eggs are not covered in feces, and they can be easily washed even if they were!! Humans have been collecting eggs since the beginning of time, and we will continue to, despite commies being pissed off at the fact their starvation cult will take a flying leap off the cliff!

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485337 No.381070

File: 7db4e5dea1103aa⋯.png (480.42 KB,1046x2007,1046:2007,Picsart_23_07_23_12_03_41_….png)

File: adf65610636bfc4⋯.png (343.85 KB,1043x1548,1043:1548,Picsart_23_07_23_12_04_09_….png)


Dear Washed-up White Trash :

on planet Earth, it is a FELONY to expose anyone under the age of 18 to ANY FORM OF RELIGION.

(especially YOUR stupid uneducated fake-ass contrived religion)

you know for a FACT that "jesus" is a myth

but you are SO STUPID that you continue pretending to believe




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93b2c2 No.381071

File: 7db4e5dea1103aa⋯.png (480.42 KB,1046x2007,1046:2007,Picsart_23_07_23_12_03_41_….png)

File: adf65610636bfc4⋯.png (343.85 KB,1043x1548,1043:1548,Picsart_23_07_23_12_04_09_….png)


Dear Washed-up White Trash :

on planet Earth, it is a FELONY to expose anyone under the age of 18 to ANY FORM OF RELIGION.

(especially YOUR stupid uneducated fake-ass contrived religion)

you know for a FACT that "jesus" is a myth

but you are SO STUPID that you continue pretending to believe




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93b2c2 No.381072

File: e05cbf1bb82b1bf⋯.png (183.71 KB,2176x842,1088:421,Screenshot_20230808_114326….png)



lol @ typical illiterate Christian idiot. Uneducated white trash can't handle one syllable words

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93b2c2 No.381073



hahahahaha !!

So God wrote the bible?

You Christians are the least educated idiots on planet Earth.. nothing but the niggers and white trash

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93b2c2 No.381074


"the eggs aren't covered in feces"


god DAMN you stupid fucking Christians crack me up

eggs come out of the chickens butthole. They have feces and fecal bacteria all over them, you stupid fucking idiot

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93b2c2 No.381075

AGAIN : although you cannot see it, you have tracked chicken fecal bacteria all over your daughter's house

It's not my fault that you're uneducated

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93b2c2 No.381076



if you don't SEE FECES, you don't wash them

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93b2c2 No.381077


the man who doesn't understand bacteria….

the man who can't spell the word "pair"


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93b2c2 No.381078


Q: did you know that eggs don't have to be refigerated?

in Europe they don't refrigerate their eggs

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511458 No.381422

bumping common sense news

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511458 No.381488

bumping traditional news

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e9e826 No.381596

bumping true news

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3eb9c6 No.382064

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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bf124f No.382611

Glad I prepared for the collapse of the Western world.

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bff5c2 No.383370

bumping reliable news

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511458 No.384682

bumping real American news

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