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File: 882cbcd69c0e4bb⋯.png (1.15 MB,1600x1080,40:27,Picsart_23_08_07_10_47_07_….png)

e1b70b No.380917

RICO : Racketeering Influenced Criminal Organization

List of Co-Conspirators

Here is a Partial List of Co-Conspirators in Trumps Organized Crime Attempts To Interfere with Georgia's Election System.

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e1b70b No.380918

File: 35357bb3631c95b⋯.png (1007.26 KB,879x2016,293:672,Screenshot_20230807_102312….png)

1: Mark Meadows

Trump's Chief of Staff

expect an indictment this week, and a conviction next year or sooner

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e1b70b No.380919

File: 4b35778c837c65e⋯.png (564.5 KB,876x1991,876:1991,Screenshot_20230807_102330….png)

2 : Rudy Giuliani

he is DEFINITELY being indicted, arrested & convicted.

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e1b70b No.380920

File: b9ac4232a33f201⋯.png (829.61 KB,1035x1604,1035:1604,Screenshot_20230807_102417….png)

3 : Lindsey Graham

US Senator

fuckface homosexual

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e1b70b No.380921

File: ab1b747e8cad3f2⋯.png (757.85 KB,1080x1511,1080:1511,Screenshot_20230807_102444….png)

4: Newton Gingrich

Former House Speaker

worthless polesmoker, typical republican

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e1b70b No.380922

File: c94cb95796c958e⋯.png (727.71 KB,1080x1488,45:62,Screenshot_20230807_102512….png)

5 : Michael Flynn

idiot, coward, child molesting drag queen

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e1b70b No.380923

File: 035049d261b9e82⋯.png (549.16 KB,1080x1555,216:311,Screenshot_20230807_102540….png)

6 : David Shafer

fat slob

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e1b70b No.380924

File: 802cb1aa659a83c⋯.png (506.29 KB,1080x1456,135:182,Screenshot_20230807_102602….png)

7 : Cathleen Latham

saggy old white trash trailerpark whore

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e1b70b No.380925

File: 554055177f08da3⋯.png (884.24 KB,1080x1046,540:523,Screenshot_20230807_084444….png)




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