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File: eed684cda264d78⋯.jpg (614.08 KB,1920x1080,16:9,t_30d1d34912c54dce9456d518….jpg)

aa47db No.380817

This guy claims to have read the lawsuit against Fox.

How is it that after all this time, after he said that he would be charged, that he still has not been charged?


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24be06 No.380850


Something about being unemployed doesn't add up.. it doesn't add up to being able to pay bills….

Perhaps you should put some of this energy into an actual job?

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24be06 No.380851

File: 62bbc3e7f07b453⋯.jpg (375.83 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Picsart_23_08_06_10_29_19_….jpg)

I'm confident you can find a Fortune 500 corporation who's looking for a qualified "something about this doesn't add up" specialist

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24be06 No.380852

I'll tell you whatDOESadd up :

trailerpark + uneducated = MAGA

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24be06 No.380855


don't feel bad…….

99% of MAGA idiots can't do addition

or subtraction… or multiplication

or spell one syllable words

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24be06 No.380858


but I'm glad to teach you how to add

it's really easy…. watch :


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24be06 No.380860

File: 8608628a2e6cae6⋯.mp4 (7.52 MB,828x480,69:40,doesn_t_add_up_.mp4)

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24be06 No.380861

here's some more "mind-boggling addition" :


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24be06 No.380862

File: df72d72d6d69326⋯.jpg (279.49 KB,1576x1080,197:135,Picsart_23_08_06_11_18_54_….jpg)

here's what DOESN'T add up :

sourcing your "insightful opinions" from a garbage can like medium.com

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5aa646 No.380896


Trump + my dick in his mouth + you watching = Trump sucking my dick while you watch

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