Hello folks how y'all doing today?
Strap in folks.
We take a trip to #SouthAfrica today and
ponder a lot of events from the #TheRainbowNation and then
apply the concepts to the #USA and rest of the #ANGLOWORLD …
South Africa is the Test run for the WHOLE #WHITE WORLD!
The Boers are the RULING RACE OF SOUTH
AFRICA not the Bantu who are stupid savages!
The Boers and British Built EVERYTHING you see
there, just as in the Rest of the Anglo Nations WHITES
built everything.
RULE! We are constructive. The blacks and murderers of God who rile them up are vicious destroyers.
That is the Truth.
Courage and Truth Lambs!
God With US!
Who is the black man that said in part "kill the
men kill the women god damn it kill them
all" about South African Whites? Please give
times and dates if you would.
You just have to speak its language – Speech +
body contains 'Kill the men, kill the
women. God damn it, I say , Kill them all!' +
Time Period CIRCA 1980 + Black Nationalism
Khalid Abdul Muhammad was a prominent
figure in the Nation of Islam and later
became the national spokesman for the New
Black Panther Party.
Khalid Abdul Mohammad issues a bloodthirsty
call for mass murder.
We don't owe the white man nothin' in South
Africa. He's killed millions of our women, our children, our
babies, our elders. We don't owe him nothing in South
Africa. If we want to be merciful at all, when we gain enough
power from God Almighty to take our freedom and
independence from him, we give him 24 hours to get out of town, by
sundown. That's all.
If he won't get out of town by sundown, we kill
everything white that ain't right (inaudible) in South Africa.
We kill the women, we kill the children, we kill the
babies. We kill the blind, we kill the crippled, (inaudible), we
kill 'em all ….
Congressional Record .…
On Saturday, 100,000 Black South Africans
crammed into FNB Stadium in Johannesburg
and sang "Shoot to kill! Kill the Boer! The
farmer!" - a call for the genocide of White South
Africans known as Boers.
I repeat: 100,000 Black people filled a stadium
and chanted for White Genocide on Saturday.
The total number of Western mainstream media
headlines about this?
The United States, the most meddlesome empire
on Earth - a country whose most powerful law
enforcement agency investigates individuals
who post "It's Okay To Be White" flyers - has
nothing to say about the largest and most
direct call for genocidal violence of the 21st
And of course they don't, because every
institutional power in America - and the West in
general - wholeheartedly shares Julius
Malema's desire to slaughter White
populations; they just approach it in a slightly
more subtle way so as to maintain a degree of
plausible deniability when called out for their
genocidal ambitions.
And this is why they don't make a peep about
100,000 people filling a stadium and singing
White Genocide carols in broad daylight. White
people aren't supposed to notice what's
happening to us –
If you want a vision of the future - there's no
more imagining necessary; just talk to a Boer.
The War On White People is here, and there is
no future unless we stop it.
Ever notice how careers in Diversity™, Equity™,
and/or Inclusion™ tend to pair with fondness
for White Genocide?
In case anyone was wondering if there was
any jewish influence over the White genocide in
South Africa.
Richard Poplak – What Wine Pairs best with
White Genocide? Richard Poplak is a Jewish,
Johannesburg-based South African author,
journalist and film maker who focuses on
corporate criminality, race and equity issues.
Australia rejected the asylum application of
more than 570 White South Africans.
Canada rejected more than 1,000 applications,
even accused them of “White supremacy”.
Netherlands, Belgium, UK, USA and France also
rejected thousands of applications.
This isn't the system 'failing' - this is the system
functioning exactly as intended; to the
detriment of White people.
What’s most telling about this “kill the #boer”
story is the deafening silence coming from the
Republican Party. There’s no way to take “Kill
the White people” out of context. Anyone who
tries to tell you that is gaslighting you. It means
exactly what it says.
There isn't a nook, cranny, or crevice of society
in which is not ANTI WHITE and against our existence!