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File: c045030edb57827⋯.jpg (255.76 KB,1320x742,660:371,MW_IU200_RudyGi_ZG_2020111….jpg)

1edf23 No.380678

In one prominent exchange, which came after Giuliani made repeated comments about Dunphy’s chest size, he told her that her breasts “belonged” to him.

MR. GIULIANI: These breasts belong to me. Nobody else can get near these, okay? I don't care if they're flirting or they give you business cards. These are mine, you got it?


MR. GIULIANI: Understand? I'm very possessive. I've gone easy on you.

MS. DUNPHY: I don't know.

MR. GIULIANI: I've been easy on you.

MS. DUNPHY: You're pretty tough on me.

MR. GIULIANI: I've been easy on you. Give them to me.

He would also comment on Dunphy’s intelligence as part of other discussions of his “tremendous attraction” to her. “I'd never think about a girl being smart. If you told me a girl was smart, I would often think she's not attractive,” according to the transcripts. He also said things to her like “I want to own you, officially”

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1edf23 No.380679

File: ff9d584a1b3d8d6⋯.jpg (7.27 KB,205x246,5:6,images_56_.jpg)

In another graphic moment, he compared the relative size of the genitalia of Jewish and Italian men. “Jewish men have small [genitals] because they can't use them after they get married. Whereas the Italian men use them all their lives, so they get bigger."

(actually, he's wrong. jews have bigger dicks)

in fact, a surprising number of Male "porn stars" are jewish…

that's exactly why mother's have always told their daughters to "find a nice Jewish guy and settle down"… even mother's like big dicks

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