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269412 No.380642

9 Reasons Why Killcen Had To Beg His Daughter For Help

1: he didn't plan well, unprepared

2: he drank all his meager savings away

3: he's full of shit… alcoholic shitstain

4: he refuses to admit when he's wrong

5: it was either BEG, or go to a nursing home

6: because he's a cheap con man with no shame

7: he had already destroyed her childhood, why not her marriage?

8: he doesn't actually love her

9: he's a narcissistic, uncaring, cold and unloving piece of shit

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269412 No.380646

File: e3a6248d21e6d87⋯.jpg (264.18 KB,1442x1080,721:540,Picsart_23_08_04_12_32_21_….jpg)

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269412 No.380647

1: alcohol

2: alcoholism

3: he's an alcoholic

4: nasty fucking ALCOHOL

5: uncontrolled alcoholism

6: alcohol

7: decades of addiction

8: addiction = weakness

9: addicted to disgusting alcohol

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