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File: 732a37645eb7061⋯.jpg (34.52 KB,501x680,501:680,5.jpg)

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5eb794 No.380595

These are the women who will bring Trump down.

1. Moxila Upadhyaya

2. Tanya Chutkan

3. Fani Willis

Say their names!

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19e4f4 No.380597

File: c6bdaca0e25fe48⋯.mp4 (10.38 MB,566x480,283:240,AndroVid_2562.mp4)

AGAIN: while all of this is true, if you

are savoring an upcoming

prison sentence for Apeman,

I'm afraid you're setting yourself

up for disappointment

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19e4f4 No.380598


RE: say their names

it's ironic that ALL of them have names that are hard to pronounce…

even the DA here in Atlanta pronounces her name FAWNY

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19e4f4 No.380602

will he be convicted?


will it "take him down"?


his followers areSO DEFIANTLY STUPID, that they will blindly support him no matter what

because Trump represented the first and only time that white trash washed-up losers like Killcen & Jerry ever got to pretend that "they mattered"

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19e4f4 No.380605


and 2016 was THE ONLY TIME they ever felt like they could finally "pretend to be important"

so their support for Trump has very little to do with Trump

and everything to do with their trailerpark white trash desire to feel like they are "important"

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19e4f4 No.380606

white trash menial blue collar human garbage like KILLCEN and his Hep C Needle Junkie "Patriot" buddy JERRY

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285798 No.380607

File: d5e86c8f2cdd7d4⋯.jpg (57 KB,678x381,226:127,Uk06LR0t26.jpg)

Bill Gates Caught Telling World Leaders It’s Time For ‘Death Panels’ To Reduce Global Population

VERY RELATED: >>>/pnd/379341

Globalist billionaire and depopulation enthusiast Bill Gates has told world leaders that it’s time use “death panels” to sentence ordinary, law-abiding people to death for the crime of being of no use to the elite.

This is the brutal, murderous world Bill Gates and his associates at the World Economic Forum are determined to roll out as part of their Great Reset. We can’t allow their evil logic to become the new normal.

Bill Gates has become so arrogant in recent times that he is happy for cameras to catch him saying the quiet parts out loud.

Gates doesn’t explain why we cannot pay teachers and allow people to live out their lives in peace. Why is it either/or? After all, in the past we did not have any problem paying teachers their salaries and allowing our grandparents to enjoy their grandchildren during their golden years.

If you are wondering what else they have up their sleeve, it’s worth paying attention to what happened at the G20 in Bali, Indonesia late last year.

The G20 is a summit featuring leaders of the most important economies in the world, and it’s a mix of countries considered to be “advanced” or “developing”.

Beyond the rooms where the world political leaders sit around and thrash out various issues, there are dozens of side events where so-called “dignitaries” meet.

Why were Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab in attendance at the G20? No one voted for them.

The mainstream media is declaring anyone who asks this question to be a conspiracy theorist. But it’s a totally legitimate question to ask.


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19e4f4 No.380608

File: 34dd1f553231e5c⋯.jpg (166.23 KB,1080x1466,540:733,Picsart_23_08_04_09_29_58_….jpg)

File: 2ebf880ee9d0f3e⋯.jpg (230.37 KB,1080x1436,270:359,Picsart_23_08_04_09_31_36_….jpg)

File: 8bcf06e21e413c9⋯.jpg (221.96 KB,1387x1080,1387:1080,Picsart_23_08_04_09_32_15_….jpg)

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19e4f4 No.380609





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19e4f4 No.380610


trust me…. if there was a depopulation campaign, the very first person they'd kill would be an INSIGNIFICANT WASHED-UP BURDEN LIKEYOU

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19e4f4 No.380611

File: a746719744f566d⋯.png (259.77 KB,1080x1864,135:233,Picsart_23_08_04_09_39_12_….png)



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19e4f4 No.380612


since the day you refused to learn the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE, you have never mattered, or contributed a god damn thing to society…

you dropped out in the 10th grade, because EXCELLENCE was not something you could achieve.

you lived a blue-collar life of mediocrity and irrelevance, because that's all you were capable of mastering.

you became a burden decades ago.

and now, you are a daily burden on your daughter and her husband, who want you to either Leave or Die.

maybe these evil depolpulation death camps need to come find you?

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19e4f4 No.380614


you always talk about your "chicken coop out back", but 8n the Google maps satellite pictures ofyour daughter's property, the structure I'm assuming is your nasty chicken coop seems to be located less "directly out back", and more "off to one side" of the modest house…


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19e4f4 No.380615

File: b446c7248863c40⋯.png (566.08 KB,1097x1080,1097:1080,b446c7248863c40d437d491e26….png)

File: 4c328715bfa06be⋯.jpg (130.32 KB,1586x621,1586:621,4c328715bfa06be777e6819e6b….jpg)

File: 5deb73b2faade85⋯.jpg (875.46 KB,1920x2560,3:4,IMG_20120728_214545.jpg)

VERY RELATED: the other day, I stumbled across a few photos of this chick I fucked back in 2012, right after I got out of prison…

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19e4f4 No.380616


I thought you told me the chicken coop was "directly out back"….

but it's not "directly out your back door"

that was a lie

it's off more to one side than the other


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19e4f4 No.380617

for the life of me,


I have tried remembering, but I keep drawing a blank

I only banged it for 2 days

I'm guessing my memory is getting foggy with age

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