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5cbc5f No.380464

All War Chaos Occur Because Of Selfish Leaders In All Top Secret Societies Groups

If you want to know the main reason of why there are war chaos last couple of year from the pandemic to weapon war then it is all because of the selfish leaders in all top secret societies, organizations, groups.

All of them are using various reason to deceive the rest of the world for personal gain.


If you have a normal mindset of a human then you must know and understand that.

If they want to end world chaos, they must seek new idea, new vision, new solution via all the possible way but no, they do not do that.

Do you see any contest, competition or public advertisment to seek any new information, creative solution to solve the current world conflict?

Of course not !

So what the hex are they (the top leaders of all top public private group) is seeking for?

It could be the Savior Messiah Buddha?

No because they are too stupid.

They do not have enough level of enlightenment to “realize” any higher level beings.

Even if all the super high level beings from ancient times appear in front of them, the question is can they realize that?

Absolutely NOT !

After 30 days of revealing my real identification and personal phone number, I still do not receive a single contact or donation from any beings from any secret societies, organizations.

Combine with all war chaos around the globe, I can 100% confirm all the leaders in all secret societies, royal families, groups are the evil one who trying to deceive the rest of the world for personal gain !

Go and ask, challenge all of them to verify my statement.

All of them are fear of me, all of them only want to enslave the rest with current game of life, they do not want to play any new game, they do not have gut to do any contest battle with me about both physical, spiritual or vision in real life battle because they are weak, coward !

The truth is that in life, there are many much higher level beings exist.

All the historic natural disaster floods was real.

It is just matter of time before it is repeat again.

All the super gods, super deities are have enough patience with those stupid idiots leaders already.

The biggest change will not only eliminate all of them but also all of their servants !

Nobody, especially entities who was either attacked me or deceived me or did not give me financial support will gone and be eliminated !

Bunch of animals, bunch of liars !

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

Original Source: https:// ascensionjoy. com/forum/showthread.php?tid=234

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a8257a No.380465

41 days

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a8257a No.380466

lol you pathetic BUM

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