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File: de7f742b2b495d2⋯.png (304.81 KB,974x753,974:753,235235.png)

1fc271 No.380369

Illegal Immigration Bringing Tuberculosis And Polio To New York

New York City Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan announced that illegal immigration has been ushering a new wave of tuberculosis (TB) and polio to the city.

In a citywide letter to physicians and healthcare administrators last week, Vasan said that the more than 50,000 illegal immigrants that have come to New York City since last year caused a spike in contagious diseases like tuberculosis and polio.

New York City’s TB rate, at 6.1 cases per 100,000, is more than double the national rate.

Close to nine out of 10 (88%) of these TB cases are people born outside the United States


MY COMMENT: Anyone still crazy enough to claim depopulation is NOT an agenda!?


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1fc271 No.380396

It's what they voted for. Cancer and death.

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8022d4 No.380402


…. says the man who destroyed his liver with alcohol, and still continues drinking a gallon of whiskey every night

… says the 10th grade Dropout who claims he can CURE diabetes

….says the 74 year old man who still can't differentiate between the words YOUR and YOU'RE

…. says the bum who ran out of money and begged his daughter to please let him sleep on her sofa

….says the HORRIBLE FATHER, who literally destroyed his daughter's childhood, and now he's destroying her marriage

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8022d4 No.380403


YOU = quite literally never served a purpose

Since the day you decided to drop out of the 10th grade, too much of a coward to continue facing the ridicule of other students because of your learning inabilities, you have NEVER served a purpose


If they were actually depopulating,YOUwould be the first to go

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8022d4 No.380404

File: a006db2c634e049⋯.png (112.1 KB,454x454,1:1,a006db2c634e04944b0f55852b….png)

File: 3979b280978ba5d⋯.mp4 (4.89 MB,1124x720,281:180,AndroVid_3912.mp4)


Q : you're an idiot

okay, okay…. so maybe it wasn't a question

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8022d4 No.380405


QUESTION : how does it feel to realize your mouth breathing illiterate hero is being fingerprinted and arrested as I type this?

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8022d4 No.380406


QUESTION: is it true that you voted for Trump because neither of you can spell one syllable words?

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8022d4 No.380407


QUESTION: or was your decision to vote for him based more upon your shared desire to have sex with your own daughters?

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8022d4 No.380408



He never actually had sex with his daughter

Unlike you, he simply WANTED to

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8022d4 No.380414


After what you did to your daughter in the subsequent days after your wife's death, it seems like you would have voted for Biden

Because unlike you, Trump didn't have the audacity to actually insert his penis into his daughter

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1fc271 No.380456

Well, what should we expect when corruption is systemic.

If Obama had not have purged 300+ top ranking military staff after 2012, America would have already been under military coup to save the American people from it's own despotic corrupt government.

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6590fb No.380557

bumping forbidden news fuck the gatekeepers

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52f20b No.382179

bumping authentic true news

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ad614a No.383403

bumping absolute news

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00f5f2 No.383624

bumping real objective news

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1b0cad No.383757

bumping confirmed news

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5fce25 No.384430

bumping non-State-run news

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fed852 No.384592

bumping educated news

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