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c48af6 No.380360

Illegal Immigration Bringing Tuberculosis And Polio To New York

New York City Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan announced that illegal immigration has been ushering a new wave of tuberculosis (TB) and polio to the city.

In a citywide letter to physicians and healthcare administrators last week, Vasan said that the more than 50,000 illegal immigrants that have come to New York City since last year caused a spike in contagious diseases like tuberculosis and polio.

New York City’s TB rate, at 6.1 cases per 100,000, is more than double the national rate.

Close to nine out of 10 (88%) of these TB cases are people born outside the United States


MY COMMENT: Anyone still crazy enough to claim depopulation is NOT an agenda!?


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c48af6 No.380365

It's what they asked for.

Exactly what those voters asked for.

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c48af6 No.380387

real news bump

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c48af6 No.380423

true news bump

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3c1ebc No.381765

Too bad America is no longer a free country, no wonder the country is in such rapid decline.

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eb5eb2 No.382195

bumping well reported news

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5a2e6c No.383364

bumping vital news

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