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File: 242b53aeebc6e6a⋯.jpg (154.98 KB,1280x720,16:9,230728105508_fulton_county….jpg)

db1ab1 No.380255

here in Atlanta, we are FULLY PREPARED TO ARREST TRUMP

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db1ab1 No.380257

File: 8aba7781c4482c1⋯.png (773.52 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230803_090923….png)

unlike the other jurisdictions, AtlantaISgoing to fingerprint & mugshot his illiterate ass

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db1ab1 No.380258

File: bcdbf3fa8d21a97⋯.jpg (12.99 KB,320x250,32:25,Fulton_County_Courthouse_W….jpg)

File: 254b26b4cf8fa53⋯.png (164.4 KB,320x250,32:25,image_2023_07_29T164925_85….png)

File: e0b823ada3916c1⋯.jpg (149.99 KB,634x1127,634:1127,73706999_12347149_image_a_….jpg)


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db1ab1 No.380259

File: 597725226a0ec67⋯.png (1.01 MB,1215x1080,9:8,Screenshot_20230802_060242….png)

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7c58c7 No.380262

We're still going to vote for Trump no matter what, and as far as your wars with Russia and China good luck, we won't be fighting, we'll be bugged out munching on popcorn as they destroy your commie-run crime-infested shithole cities. Enjoy the collapse.

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db1ab1 No.380263

File: 1186f46371abcc4⋯.jpg (763.09 KB,1143x1280,1143:1280,20230803_092105.jpg)

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db1ab1 No.380264



we are well aware you're going to vote for him…


hahahaha of course you will !!

there wasn't enough of you last time

and there's EVEN LESS of you this time

you're weak and powerless

and you DO NOT represent the majority of ANYTHING, other than the majority of trailerpark trash

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db1ab1 No.380265

File: 0e95ea324b39787⋯.jpg (760.59 KB,1143x1280,1143:1280,20230803_092609.jpg)

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db1ab1 No.380266


lol @ "WE"


even your own daughter & son-in-law avoid you

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db1ab1 No.380267

if your team had enough members,your candidate wouldn't have tried to steal the election

you're a LOSER……

just like your chosen "heroes"

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db1ab1 No.380268

File: 07803089b9e5761⋯.jpg (751.61 KB,1143x1280,1143:1280,20230803_093251.jpg)

…..just like Trump……..

Trump lost the midterms for the GOP I'm 2018


Trump lost the midterms for the GOP again in 2022

and he's going to lose AGAIN in 2024

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db1ab1 No.380270

File: 4466da07746b0fa⋯.jpg (754.26 KB,1143x1280,1143:1280,20230803_093708.jpg)




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db1ab1 No.380271


I'm sorry that you had to settle for a white trash existence of SELF-IMPOSED MEDIOCRITY, there in THE SHITTIEST STATE IN AMERICA (other than mississippi)

better luck next time….

HINT: next time, pay attention in 1st grade…. learn one syllable words… don't drop out of high school….

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db1ab1 No.380272


We are going to fuck him over worse than you fucked yourself over by dropping out of high school

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db1ab1 No.380273


You forgot to mention thatyour daughter will be paying for the popcorn

Because you didn't call her begging her to please let you move in with her because you were "financially secure"

you were in need of help

financial assistance


Your daughter is basically your welfare benefactor

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db1ab1 No.380274


Of course it's not surprising that a financially destitute illiterate psychotic and alcoholic High School Dropout whomooches off his daughterwould vote for AN ILLITERATE BUM

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db1ab1 No.380275


Especially when your illiterate candidate has expressed a sexual attraction to his own daughter….

Just like you used to do, before you lost the ability to achieve an erection

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db1ab1 No.380276



He pretends to be a businessman, while you pretend to be intelligent

Birds of a feather lose elections together

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db1ab1 No.380277


But being illiterate and wanting to have sex with your daughter are NOT the only things you have in common with Trump

You also share the same "unable to pay your debts" thing

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db1ab1 No.380278



☆ you have spent decades pretending to be an expert in preparedness, self-sufficiency

☆ you have spent the past three years avoiding the topic, refusing to discuss the fact that you had to beg your daughter to please help you

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db1ab1 No.380279



it DOESNT involve mooching off your own daughter

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db1ab1 No.380280


I hope you arePREPARED

for the inevitable………..

Because your daughter and son-in-law are soon going to want their life back

And it looks like a nursing home is in your future

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79e62c No.380282

File: 2e3e7531bfbcb62⋯.jpg (9.85 KB,336x116,84:29,sigecemps.jpg)

Trump will be nominated as the Republican candidate, but the Democrats will win the Presidential election. The Democrats will use their power to fundamentally change American culture, destroy the family and build a socialist utopia however, their gains will be short-term. Their win is a necessary condition for the cultural and political reset. This is mere analysis, not advocacy.

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5cf554 No.380310


They are going to stir up shit no doubt. Make average Americans hate them even more, for sure. I'm also assured there will be blowback from their stupid belligerent policies too. More of the world will abandon the US Dollar. Economy will be worse than a banana republic. Think of a banana republic but not really a republic and not with any bananas to eat. A third world shithole cometh. Only those that prepared well in advance and still have some form of savings and private property will hang on as the rest of the country goes to complete utter shit. Bartering will come back due to hyperinflation so get those barter preps while you still can. There is next to no hope other than we have our guns to defend ourselves, if they start coming for us and our private property. Really hope it does not come to that. It would escalate into deadly conflicts which can and should be avoided. We do have the communist disease spreading in this country though. If it keeps spreading it will completely destroy this country from within. At that point you might as well say Russia would be the next beacon of freedom and prosperity. >Inb4 conservatives start to flee the US in droves.

>their utopia

Anyone who wants this scenario btw obviously hates America and our Constitution with a passion. I do think there are a whole lot of people in power who really - really - do despise us and wish we were dead. I do think "Johnny Neptune" and others who troll here are those types of glowing variety. Perhaps trolls or bots from adversary countries? God only knows.

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d3dbe6 No.380336

You're spot on. If you study the elites closely you will discover their smugness and their disdain for the working class, whether it be white, black or Latino. They believe they will weather the storm and remain on top. They want your kids to be transexual, they want you entirely reliant on public transportation while they continue to have access to personal transportation. The Tesla is the bridge to no-car for the middle and working class. They want you eating insects while they kill big agriculture in the name of the environment. Their world view is as messianic and apocalyptic as any evangelical's. Have you met a Christian who truly believes Jesus will return in their lifetime? The elite Democrat worldview is not that different except you are standing in their way to its fruition.

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d3dbe6 No.380342

File: 2e3e7531bfbcb62⋯.jpg (9.85 KB,336x116,84:29,sigecemps.jpg)


Equity is not equality. It is not equal opportunity. It is payback for grievances real and imagined. If you're here I know that has sunk in. The authoritarian concept of equity will be leveraged to take your personal property as racial spoils. You will face longer sentences post-trial for because you are white. There is a bill in CA that will use equity as a legal concept in the sentencing phase of trials. Please read: https://www.nysun.com/article/california-bill-would-require-judges-to-consider-race-of-defendants-when-handing-down-criminal-sentences

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5cf554 No.380346



America either lives, or dies, but America will not exist without freedom!!!!

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33ea7c No.380348


I hear we might actually get a mugshot this time.


2020 proved that Trump can't beat Biden, so your vote is meaningless.

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d3dbe6 No.380349

File: 2e3e7531bfbcb62⋯.jpg (9.85 KB,336x116,84:29,sigecemps.jpg)

It's always the shills that speak of violence. I prefer to stay in the realm of analysis. There is no call to action here in this thread except to worship the old gods, find a wife, have many children and as was stated above secure land and physical property. Live peacefully with your neighbors.

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d3dbe6 No.380383

File: 2e3e7531bfbcb62⋯.jpg (9.85 KB,336x116,84:29,sigecemps.jpg)

The persecution of Trump is a necessary historical event that will usher a period of great instability. The Chinese will take Tawain in the next Biden term. There will be great tribulations at home and abroad, but in the end Patriots of many ethnic and religious stripes will reestablish a constitutional republic with a literal interpretation of the U.S. Constitution as it is amended today. Whites will live unapologetically, and the law will be applied equally to all groups. Jews, blacks, Latinos, Arabs, etc. with whites will enjoy prosperity and equal protection under the law. Marxism in all its forms will take its rightful place on the dung-heap of human ideas. Practice self-defense but avoid all political confrontations in the streets. Let the left step on its dick first.

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