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File: 2e3e7531bfbcb62⋯.jpg (9.85 KB,336x116,84:29,sigecemps.jpg)

2323a7 No.380178

A great Cultural Reset is approaching. Physicians, artists, and academics who groom children for transgenderism will be imprisoned after a fair and speedy trial. Socialism in ALL its forms will be eliminated, NSDAP included. Those who worship the old gods, Jews, Christians, Hindus and Muslims and other traditional sects will unite politically to overthrow the gnostic cult of transsexualism.


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6733c3 No.380186

File: 2306f676c96afc6⋯.jpg (76.86 KB,2400x829,2400:829,Picsart_23_08_02_15_32_58_….jpg)


you're obviously homosexual

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0acf19 No.380187


Jews, Hindus, and Muslims all acknowledge Transgender as a legitimate medical condition and believe it is best treated with hormones and surgery. Iran even pays for transgender surgery and medications from State money!

Nobody gives a shit what Christians think. They only care about some vague stupid reward "after death", so fuck 'em.

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6733c3 No.380189


I'm curious why YOU (you, in particular) are so fixated onother people's sexuality

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6733c3 No.380190


the reason it seems odd is because ofyourLACK of sexuality

it just seems odd

and I'm NOT being unfair…

I'm not being a dick

all I'm saying is you remind me of a DEAF PERSON WHO FIXATES ON "HATING COUNTRY MUSIC"

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6733c3 No.380191

I'm not being mean…. I'm not insulting you

all I'm saying is you remind me of quadriplegic who thinks other people should be prevented from dancing

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6733c3 No.380192

I'm not being confrontational, and I'm not being judgemental

all I'm saying is you remind me of a Starving Ethiopian Child who devotes his life to "complaining about Olive Garden"

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6733c3 No.380193

File: a098bbf510572cd⋯.jpg (4.86 KB,145x190,29:38,Z_18_.jpg)

I'm not being condescending or rude

all I'm saying is you remind me of Hervé Villechaize, complaining that all doorways should be 9 feet tall

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4f57d5 No.380269

File: 2e3e7531bfbcb62⋯.jpg (9.85 KB,336x116,84:29,sigecemps.jpg)

None of what you have said is argument. There are two salient points in the thread: 1. radical trans-ideology is a threat to the family, the bedrock of all civilizations. It is THEIR intent to destroy society with their political fagottry. 2. Larping as a national socialist is counterproductive. National socialism IS authoritarian socialism and it ruined Europe. Which point triggered your feckless ad hominem response?

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