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File: 6880196a3fbc779⋯.jpg (534.63 KB,856x1740,214:435,3134.jpg)

af889a No.380154

The Everything Bubble is about to turn to the Everything Collapse!

This is the inescapable outcome for the Western world.

The world economy should have collapsed in 2008 were it not for a massive Hocus Pocus exercise by Western central banks. At that time, global debt was $125 trillion plus derivatives. Today debt is $325 trillion plus quasi-debt or derivatives of probably $2+ quadrillion.

The US is today running bigger deficits than ever at a time when: The interest rate cycle is strongly up. There is only one buyer of US debt – the Fed. De-dollarisation will lead to a rapid decline of the dollar.

The financial system should have been allowed to collapse 15 years ago when the problem was 1/3 of today. But governments and central bankers prefer to postpone the inevitable and thus passing the batten to their successors thereby exacerbating the problem.

The world is now desperately clinging on to a false prosperity, based on false money, false moral values, false financial values, false politics and politicians, false media, false reporting of reality whether vaccines, climate, genders or history, etc.

Let’s look at some synonyms to false or falsehood according to Thesaurus: Cover-up, deceit, deception, dishonesty, fabrication, fakery, perjury, sham, fraud, etc.

Yes, all of the above fits today’s West and especially the US. But as I often point out, history repeats itself so this is nothing new. But since most major cycles can take 100 years from boom to bust and back again, very few people experience a severe depression in their lifetime.

In the West, the last major depression was in the 1930s followed by WWII.

Yes, I have repeated a similar message for quite a while. My purpose with this repetition is obvious. The world and in particular the Western economies are facing a wealth destruction never before seen in history and very few people are prepared for it.

As the Romans said “repetition is the mother of learning”.

Debt is not the sole reason for the problems which the world is now facing. Instead debt is a consequence of the falsehood culture that that is toxifying the world.

Unacceptable increases in sovereign debts arise when governments can no longer tell the truth, if they ever could!

So the end of the current economic cycle started when Nixon closed the gold window on August 15,1971. At that point, he realised that the US could no longer continue to run budget deficits as they had done since the early 1930s. To get rid of the disciplinary shackles of gold allowed the US government and most central banks to create “finger-snapping” money. This is what a Swedish Riksbank official called creating money out of thin air.

By 2030, debt could be as high as $3 quadrillion. This assumes that the quasi debt of global derivatives of $2 – $2.5 quadrillion has been “rescued” by central banks in order to stop the financial system from imploding.

The bank failures in mid-March starting with Silicon Valley Bank were just a warning shot. Banks need high rates and a reduction in the loan portfolio to survive. But borrowers, both commercial and private, need lower rates and more credit to survive.

This is a dilemma without solution. It will end up with both sides losing. Borrowers will default and banks will go bankrupt.

Before that there will be the biggest debt feast in the history of the world. It requires no skill, no assets, no security to create the quadrillions of dollars which will temporarily defer the problem. All that is needed is a bit more finger-snapping before the whole insolvent corrupt system collapses.


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f85f20 No.380155

File: dcbc19dd99bd749⋯.jpg (429.84 KB,1080x2195,216:439,Picsart_23_08_02_10_04_37_….jpg)



for over 45 years, you've beenwarning of the imminent "end of the world"


lol you're the least talented

PSYCHIC in history

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8884a4 No.380254

Preparing for the collapse of America was a very smart idea!

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115f8e No.380294

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eb4168 No.380353

BOOM! It's begun. WWIII is here.

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eb4168 No.380389


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eb4168 No.380457

Sometimes nations need to have military coups….. literally, to save their nation and their people.

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115f8e No.380566

bumping absolute news

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115f8e No.381039

bumping popular legit news

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d68d00 No.381617

bumping vital news

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af889a No.381667

bumping accurate news

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8e2def No.382182

bumping forbidden news

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3daca8 No.383922

bumping blacklisted news anti-glow edition #5.7x28mm

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d68d00 No.384604

America is run by deranged corrupt psychopaths.

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8e2def No.384875

bumping highly respected news

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8e2def No.384987

bumping authentic true news

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136fe3 No.385122

real news

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8e2def No.385474

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000079

All the corrupt Ukraine government cares about is remaining in power at the expense of everyone else including their own people. Take note of this. Take note of this because this is exactly the mentality our own government/political leadership has in this country. We are all expendable to them.


Ukraine is the new obsession for Washington DC’s war hawks. Ukraine is officially America's new endless war. The United States is heading down the same path that mired us in Middle Eastern conflicts for over two decades, all without clearly articulating the objective or how victory is achieved. The American people deserve answers before more of their money is sent to Ukraine. To that end, we are introducing the Define The Mission Act, legislation that would require President Biden to submit a comprehensive strategy to Congress regarding US involvement in Ukraine.


As of October 1st 2023, All American Banks Are Now Tax Exempt


75,000 Healthcare Workers Go On Strike – Largest Healthcare Strike In US History


The Importance of Physical Media: CD, DVD, Blu-Ray & Books


WATCH! Press Have No Response When Matt Gaetz Lists Brutal Facts


Israeli Police Arrest Five Radical Jews For Spitting On Christians


India Moves To Expel Canadian Diplomats Over Policy Rift With Cocaine Addict Trudeau


Putin Says A New Multipolar World Will Benefit Humanity, End Debt Slavery


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b7eef8 No.385930

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000108

War-Debt Fake Economy To Enrich Very Few While Real Economy Battered Leaving Most In Financial Woes


Anyone willing to be pawns in these wars at this point are betraying the people they intended to serve, the citizenry! These endless wars do nothing to better 99% of the human population.

FLASHBACK: Despotic Western Oligarchy Desires To Starve & Enslave Population Bolshevik-style


Biden Mulls Visit To Israel As 30 Americans Confirmed Killed, Hezbollah/IDF Clashes Escalate, Egypt To Open Border


US Military Memo Leaked, Many American Troops Strongly Opposed To Fighting For Israel


IDF Notifies Families Of 199 Hostages Held In Gaza, Vows To Avoid Airstrikes On Their Locations


IDF Released Photos Of Weapons Caches Seized In Gaza


Two In Three Killed In Israeli War Against Gaza Are Civilian Women & Kids


US War Propaganda Against Muslims Is Getting Innocent Americans KILLED!


Hezbollah Attacks Zionist Military Outposts At Shebaa Farms


Hezbollah Targets Hanita Barracks With Guided Missiles, Some IDF Wounded


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c5ac79 No.386539


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46ef55 No.386983









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46ef55 No.386995


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