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183bb1 No.380043 [Last50 Posts]

12 Undeniable Signs Despotic "Globalists" Are Engineering the End of Humanity

It's no longer taboo to publicly talk about depopulation. Even many who once dismissed the concept as a conspiracy theory are now publicly acknowledging the reality that global efforts are under way to drastically reduce the human population on planet Earth.

Mainstream media now frequently talks about "climate lockdowns" as a good thing – to cease human activity on planet Earth in order to "save the planet" from so-called climate change, a wholesale fabrication and fake science fraud rooted in the lie that carbon dioxide is somehow bad for life on the planet. (Without it, there would be no photosynthesis, no plants, no animals and no humans.)

Now, corporate media is openly calling for climate blackouts and lockdowns, the rationing of air conditioning and possibly even banning the use of electricity to cool homes and buildings during hot weather days. This is all being positioned as necessary to save the planet, of course. The Los Angeles Times, for example, recently published a story asking whether an "occasional blackout" might "help solve climate change."

Green agenda alarmists in the corporate media are now calling for widespread electrical grid blackouts for “the greater good” of “solving the climate crisis.” In an article from the Los Angeles Times, the establishment media outlet argues that it would be “easier and less expensive to fight climate change” if the public would “be willing to live with” blackouts.

We are past the point, in other words, of the controlled corporate media saying that engineered blackouts and climate lockdowns are just a conspiracy theory – even though NPR still claims that the push to get people to eat bugs is a conspiracy theory, not long after NPR promoted insects as the next great food source. Now, the controlled media is openly claiming that the functioning of human society will destroy the planet. Therefore, they imply, the only way to save the planet is to take down the food and energy infrastructure that keeps humanity alive.

MY COMMENT: They are gearing up to take America offline and off-grid after they crush Europe the same way, so you best be prepared and have contingencies planned! Never ever trust this government to do anything good for you or to protect you, remember they want us all enslaved or dead!

The current population of human beings on planet Earth, of course, is a function of affordable food powered by affordable, abundant energy (mostly in the form of fossil fuels). Ending this which is now the admitted goal of climate cultists, Democrats and the same "science" community that told us COVID vaccines were safe and effective will inevitably result in global depopulation of the human race. No fuel = no farms. No farms = no food. No food = no people. This is the openly admitted goal.

Here, I list twelve undeniable signs that globalists are actively seeking the extermination of the human race from this planet.



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183bb1 No.380044


1) They are terraforming the planet through planetary-scale atmospheric alterations - Large-scale efforts are under way right now to alter the chemistry of planet Earth in order to make it inhospitable to human life by removing CO2 from the atmosphere through "carbon sequestration" efforts. Since CO2 is necessary for all photosynthesis which drives the web of life on planet Earth this effort would collapse all food crops, rainforests, marine ecosystems and more, ultimately killing off virtually all animals and human beings on the planet if not stopped. Without CO2 in the atmosphere, there is essentially no recognizable life on planet Earth, and yet the entire "climate cult" machine (and nearly all Democrats, media propagandists, government regulators, globalists, etc.) are at war with CO2 and are trying to completely eliminate it from Earth's atmosphere.

2) The biometric inventory of the human race (WorldCoin) has begun, and all humans will be “inventoried” so that globalists can properly track their depopulation milestones - The WorldCoin effort to scan everyone's eyeballs and create an encryption key based on their biometrics is actually a "human inventory" scheme to digitally record all the human beings known to exist on the planet. This step is necessary to track human depopulation milestones and identify anyone who has not been inventoried by the system… "Unscannable!" from Idiocracy, in other words.

3) They've given up on educating young people to be prepared for a productive future - Notice that government-run schools no longer teach anything resembling practical skills, independent thinking or even basic knowledge needed to carry out jobs in a productive society. This is because there is no plan to deploy the younger generations of human beings in any productive activity whatsoever. The plan is to exterminate them, and when you are planning to exterminate a population, you don't need to bother teaching them skills or knowledge. The abandonment of education a scheme now fully endorsed by teachers' unions, by the way is a proxy for the abandonment of any hope in the future of the human race.

4) Controlled demolition of energy infrastructure that drives human economies - As discussed above, the planned take down of the energy infrastructure is engineered to cause both economic collapse and food scarcity leading to mass starvation. Without affordable, abundant energy, no civilization can thrive. As energy is deliberately cut off, civilizations implode and die. Even though we live in a world with abundant energy, the fascist governments of the world i.e. western nations like the USA, Canada, Germany, etc. are prohibiting access to that energy on purpose. The outcome of this is not in question: The collapse of western civilization.

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183bb1 No.380045


5) Governments are funding, developing and deploying anti-human genetic bioweapons - As if engineered starvation and economic collapse weren't enough by themselves, western governments like the United States of America are continuing to fund genetic bioweapons that target the human race. The spike protein is one such weapon, and it was engineered into both the covid plandemic and the mRNA vaccines which are designed to maim and kill as many human beings as possible. The US Dept. of Defense is the instigator of these bioweapons, and they have a long history of running illegal bioweapons laboratories in countries like Ukraine (and various African nations as well) while actively developing self-replicating bioweapons which feature ethnic targeting based on genetic differences in biology.

6) There is a coordinated, global effort to destroy seed diversity and make crops unable to reproduce - To make sure that free people can't grow their own food, a global effort is also under way to control the seed supply and to collapse seed diversity while transitioning agriculture to toxic, genetically engineered seeds that grow crops which synthesize pesticide chemicals right into the crop itself (such as with GM corn). Seed giants like Monsanto (now Bayer) have bought up many smaller seed suppliers over the years, wiping out seed diversity and nearly monopolizing the agricultural supply chain for crop production. This centralization of food production into the hands of a few, powerful corporations is one of the necessary steps to weaponizing food scarcity and using engineered famine as a tool for social control and mass compliance with government demands.

7) Rapid rollout of automation robots to replace blue collar workers and transport drivers - Laborers are about to be made obsolete, thanks to a slew of automation robots that are about to be unleashed into the workforce. Warehouse workers will soon be replaced by bipedal warehouse robots that can handle nearly all the same tasks, and commercial drivers (who work for UPS, Fedex, USPS and various trucking companies) will soon find themselves obsolete and out of work. In agriculture, it won't be long before crop-picking robots replace the migrant laborers, and even in construction, robots will gradually take over many tasks currently handled by humans.

8) Rise of AI systems to replace white-collar workers: Journalists, artists, coders, writers and more - If you thought your job was safe because you're a white collar workers, think again: Regenerative AI systems like ChatGPT are on the move and will soon replace journalists, writers, coders, business managers and much more. This is especially true if you are carrying out a job in a routine way, requiring very little innovation or original thought (i.e. you work as a script-reading propagandist for CNN or the Washington Post). It's easy to see that AI will replace NPCs very easily, in other words. (Non-Player Characters, meaning people who just follow scripts and have no original ideas.)

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183bb1 No.380046


9) The CDC is rolling recommendations for annual covid injections until you die - The new CDC director Dr. Mandy Cohen is of course an obedient pharma shill. According to The Blaze, she plans to push for annual COVID shots just like annual flu shots – neither of which are effective, by the way. From that story:

"We're just on the precipice of that, so I don’t want to get ahead of where our scientists are here and doing that evaluation work, but yes, we anticipate that COVID will become similar to flu shots, where it is going to be you get your annual flu shot and you get your annual COVID shot…. That's where we're going to," she continued, and added, "We're not quite there yet."

So she's already decided that annual COVID shots will be approved, even before the scientists have concluded anything on it. As with everything else at the CDC, the politics of Big Pharma drive the science, and Big Pharma's politics are all determined by profit. So of course annual mRNA injections will do wonders for Big Pharma's bottom line, and whatever people are oblivious enough to allow themselves to be injected with these experimental jabs will accelerate their trajectory into an early grave.

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183bb1 No.380047


10) Geoengineering-driven global famine to unleash mass starvation - While we already covered CO2 sequestration and terraforming operations above, this point refers to geoengineering weather control that guides water mass dispersion to produce flood, droughts, storms or anything else that can damage crops and cause widespread food scarcity and food inflation.

11) Infertility chemicals are being placed in the food supply (atrazine, glyphosate, hormone disruptors) to reduce population sustainability - It's true that atrazine, the No. 2 most common herbicide in our food supply, is a chemical castrator that "turns the frogs gay." In doing so, it also causes loss of reproductive viability, leading to population reduction. We currently test for atrazine in our mass spec food science laboratory, and we can confirm that we are seeing atrazine in the human food supply. We also test for glyphosate and heavy metals, among other things, and we see a lot of contamination of the food supply chain.

12) Globalists are preparing to initiate the end of debt-based economics that have driven cheap food and affordable growth of human populations - Cheap food comes from cheap energy. Cheap energy is easier to come by when you have cheap money… i.e. artificially low interest rates and lots of money printing stimulus to prop up a zombie economy. The economics of MMT (Magical Monetary Theory, where delusional economists thinking money can be printed to oblivion without causing any problems) are disastrous in the long run, and when the global debt pyramid of US dollar debt comes to an end, it will unleash a black hole-like monetary vortex that will destroy businesses, wealth and entire economies in record time. This global fiat currency "rug pull" is all being engineered and timed for maximum destructive impact, and it is drawing closer by the day. Soon, globalist banks will ditch dollars and call for a global switch to a CBDC system where they can surveil and control all your income sources and expenditures.

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8728de No.380048


how's the weather up there, schizo?

a little bit less humid, huh?

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8728de No.380049


"We currently test for atrazine in our mass spec food science laboratory, and we can confirm that we are seeing atrazine in the human food supply."

please tell me the process used to identify Atrazine….

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8728de No.380050


I'm guessing when you typed "atrazine", you must've been talking about 1-Chloro-3-ethylamino-5-isopropylamino-2,4,6-triazine ?

explain the molecular structure of this chlorinated triazine

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8728de No.380051


explain why it's 1-Chloro-3-ethylamino-5-isopropylamino-2,4,6-triazine, and not


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8728de No.380052


and since you can't answer ANY scientific questions whatsoever, maybe you could try explaining WHY DO WE CALL HEAVY METALS "HEAVY"?

hint: it has nothing to do with physical weight.

How many protons does Cobalt have in its nucleus?

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8728de No.380053


Q: what is the technical definition of a CHEMICAL REACTION?


☆ Combustion reaction.

☆ Decomposition reaction.

☆ Neutralization reaction.

☆ redox Reaction.

☆ Precipitation or Double-Displacement Reaction.

☆ Synthesis reaction.

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8728de No.380055


still clinging to your failed COVID DOOM PREDICTIONS?


little man, that's adorable

you're SO desperate

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8728de No.380057

let's just be honest, Mr. Chicken Coop

you can't answer even THE most basic science questions

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8728de No.380059

you can't answer ANY molecular questions

no atomic questions

to you, science begins and ends with adding sugar to your iced tea

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8728de No.380060

speaking of which


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8728de No.380061

and NO…….

the answer isn't "sweet things"

there's a very specific scientific definition of "sugars"


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8728de No.380062


>It's no longer taboo to publicly talk about depopulation.


it's always been EMBARRASSING, not "taboo"

and trust me, Mr. High School Dropout

it's more embarrassing now than ever before

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8728de No.380063


you're simply too lazy to learn HOW embarrassed you ought to be right now

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8728de No.380064

FACT: the reason you're oblivious to HOW STUPID You Appear is "because you're not intelligent enough to realize how little you actually know

you're like a walking public library

that never had any books in it

you have ZERO KNOWLEDGE to offer

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dbc91e No.380065


1) They are terraforming the planet through planetary-scale atmospheric alterations - Large-scale efforts are under way right now to alter the chemistry of planet Earth in order to make it inhospitable to human life by removing CO2 from the atmosphere through "carbon sequestration" efforts. Since CO2 is necessary for all photosynthesis which drives the web of life on planet Earth this effort would collapse all food crops, rainforests, marine ecosystems and more, ultimately killing off virtually all animals and human beings on the planet if not stopped. Without CO2 in the atmosphere, there is essentially no recognizable life on planet Earth, and yet the entire "climate cult" machine (and nearly all Democrats, media propagandists, government regulators, globalists, etc.) are at war with CO2 and are trying to completely eliminate it from Earth's atmosphere.

2) The biometric inventory of the human race (WorldCoin) has begun, and all humans will be “inventoried” so that globalists can properly track their depopulation milestones - The WorldCoin effort to scan everyone's eyeballs and create an encryption key based on their biometrics is actually a "human inventory" scheme to digitally record all the human beings known to exist on the planet. This step is necessary to track human depopulation milestones and identify anyone who has not been inventoried by the system… "Unscannable!" from Idiocracy, in other words.

3) They've given up on educating young people to be prepared for a productive future - Notice that government-run schools no longer teach anything resembling practical skills, independent thinking or even basic knowledge needed to carry out jobs in a productive society. This is because there is no plan to deploy the younger generations of human beings in any productive activity whatsoever. The plan is to exterminate them, and when you are planning to exterminate a population, you don't need to bother teaching them skills or knowledge. The abandonment of education a scheme now fully endorsed by teachers' unions, by the way is a proxy for the abandonment of any hope in the future of the human race.

4) Controlled demolition of energy infrastructure that drives human economies - As discussed above, the planned take down of the energy infrastructure is engineered to cause both economic collapse and food scarcity leading to mass starvation. Without affordable, abundant energy, no civilization can thrive. As energy is deliberately cut off, civilizations implode and die. Even though we live in a world with abundant energy, the fascist governments of the world i.e. western nations like the USA, Canada, Germany, etc. are prohibiting access to that energy on purpose. The outcome of this is not in question: The collapse of western civilization.

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dbc91e No.380066


5) Governments are funding, developing and deploying anti-human genetic bioweapons - As if engineered starvation and economic collapse weren't enough by themselves, western governments like the United States of America are continuing to fund genetic bioweapons that target the human race. The spike protein is one such weapon, and it was engineered into both the covid plandemic and the mRNA vaccines which are designed to maim and kill as many human beings as possible. The US Dept. of Defense is the instigator of these bioweapons, and they have a long history of running illegal bioweapons laboratories in countries like Ukraine (and various African nations as well) while actively developing self-replicating bioweapons which feature ethnic targeting based on genetic differences in biology.

6) There is a coordinated, global effort to destroy seed diversity and make crops unable to reproduce - To make sure that free people can't grow their own food, a global effort is also under way to control the seed supply and to collapse seed diversity while transitioning agriculture to toxic, genetically engineered seeds that grow crops which synthesize pesticide chemicals right into the crop itself (such as with GM corn). Seed giants like Monsanto (now Bayer) have bought up many smaller seed suppliers over the years, wiping out seed diversity and nearly monopolizing the agricultural supply chain for crop production. This centralization of food production into the hands of a few, powerful corporations is one of the necessary steps to weaponizing food scarcity and using engineered famine as a tool for social control and mass compliance with government demands.

7) Rapid rollout of automation robots to replace blue collar workers and transport drivers - Laborers are about to be made obsolete, thanks to a slew of automation robots that are about to be unleashed into the workforce. Warehouse workers will soon be replaced by bipedal warehouse robots that can handle nearly all the same tasks, and commercial drivers (who work for UPS, Fedex, USPS and various trucking companies) will soon find themselves obsolete and out of work. In agriculture, it won't be long before crop-picking robots replace the migrant laborers, and even in construction, robots will gradually take over many tasks currently handled by humans.

8) Rise of AI systems to replace white-collar workers: Journalists, artists, coders, writers and more - If you thought your job was safe because you're a white collar workers, think again: Regenerative AI systems like ChatGPT are on the move and will soon replace journalists, writers, coders, business managers and much more. This is especially true if you are carrying out a job in a routine way, requiring very little innovation or original thought (i.e. you work as a script-reading propagandist for CNN or the Washington Post). It's easy to see that AI will replace NPCs very easily, in other words. (Non-Player Characters, meaning people who just follow scripts and have no original ideas.)

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dbc91e No.380067


9) The CDC is rolling recommendations for annual covid injections until you die - The new CDC director Dr. Mandy Cohen is of course an obedient pharma shill. According to The Blaze, she plans to push for annual COVID shots just like annual flu shots – neither of which are effective, by the way. From that story:

"We're just on the precipice of that, so I don’t want to get ahead of where our scientists are here and doing that evaluation work, but yes, we anticipate that COVID will become similar to flu shots, where it is going to be you get your annual flu shot and you get your annual COVID shot…. That's where we're going to," she continued, and added, "We're not quite there yet."

So she's already decided that annual COVID shots will be approved, even before the scientists have concluded anything on it. As with everything else at the CDC, the politics of Big Pharma drive the science, and Big Pharma's politics are all determined by profit. So of course annual mRNA injections will do wonders for Big Pharma's bottom line, and whatever people are oblivious enough to allow themselves to be injected with these experimental jabs will accelerate their trajectory into an early grave.

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dbc91e No.380068


10) Geoengineering-driven global famine to unleash mass starvation - While we already covered CO2 sequestration and terraforming operations above, this point refers to geoengineering weather control that guides water mass dispersion to produce flood, droughts, storms or anything else that can damage crops and cause widespread food scarcity and food inflation.

11) Infertility chemicals are being placed in the food supply (atrazine, glyphosate, hormone disruptors) to reduce population sustainability - It's true that atrazine, the No. 2 most common herbicide in our food supply, is a chemical castrator that "turns the frogs gay." In doing so, it also causes loss of reproductive viability, leading to population reduction. We currently test for atrazine in our mass spec food science laboratory, and we can confirm that we are seeing atrazine in the human food supply. We also test for glyphosate and heavy metals, among other things, and we see a lot of contamination of the food supply chain.

12) Globalists are preparing to initiate the end of debt-based economics that have driven cheap food and affordable growth of human populations - Cheap food comes from cheap energy. Cheap energy is easier to come by when you have cheap money… i.e. artificially low interest rates and lots of money printing stimulus to prop up a zombie economy. The economics of MMT (Magical Monetary Theory, where delusional economists thinking money can be printed to oblivion without causing any problems) are disastrous in the long run, and when the global debt pyramid of US dollar debt comes to an end, it will unleash a black hole-like monetary vortex that will destroy businesses, wealth and entire economies in record time. This global fiat currency "rug pull" is all being engineered and timed for maximum destructive impact, and it is drawing closer by the day. Soon, globalist banks will ditch dollars and call for a global switch to a CBDC system where they can surveil and control all your income sources and expenditures.

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8728de No.380069

File: 47394e826bcaddd⋯.png (450.92 KB,1927x448,1927:448,Screenshot_20230801_080655….png)



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8728de No.380071

dude…. You're a good guy….

you really are a good dude

but you're NOT intelligent

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8728de No.380072

that's the ONLY reason you have this transparent fixation :

compensating for being stupid

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8728de No.380074

you are SOOOO desperate to be perceived as "being knowledgeable"

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8728de No.380075

the same way stupid broke niggers are desperate to pretend they have money

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8728de No.380076

niggers take selfies flashing stacks of counterfeit "for movie production use only" money, cheap gold-plated grills

you?…. you copy and paste empty, meaningless science you're not intelligent enough to understand

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8728de No.380077

it's really too bad that you didn't care about "being perceived as intelligent" when you were in school

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8728de No.380078

your desire NOT to look stupid

would've served you much better


back when the other students matered YOUR vs YOU'RE

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8728de No.380079

but here were are 67 years later

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0d9ed0 No.380095

bumping real world news

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528928 No.380122

Have you read much on the 2025 food shortage?

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01cc31 No.380150

Preparing for the collapse of America was a very smart idea!

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166aab No.380247

bumping trustworthy news

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c489b9 No.380425

Do not fear death, never surrender and support local local local.

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0d9ed0 No.380555

bumping educated news

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de148d No.380775

bumping third world news

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0d9ed0 No.381043

bumping impelling news

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dbc91e No.381621

bumping intellectual news

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de148d No.381757

Despotism is as cruel as it is stupid.

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c64081 No.382040

File: 0cee9e4ca454300⋯.jpg (69.96 KB,500x749,500:749,41cf79b10f3de2466946bddb5e….jpg)

Divine Wisdom, lots of topics with bible verses and such and yes theres is knowledge about the True Jews and False Jews at the End Cough cough Acts and Amos. Please ask God for guidance.


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183bb1 No.382104

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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715364 No.382543

Future historians will look back on this and be appalled.

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01cc31 No.382689

bumping factual news

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56b7b4 No.382790

Too bad patriotism is punished while treason is rewarded today.

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183bb1 No.382892

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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11cb3c No.383354

bumping valuable news

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2e228f No.383748

Glad I got prepared for the worst.

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0d9ed0 No.384099

bumping confirmed news

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dfae39 No.384742

bumping intellectual news

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bc3555 No.385113

Too bad patriotism is punished while treason is rewarded today.

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c5a374 No.385332

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000082

Good! Fifth Circuit Tells Federal Government To SHUT DOWN Their Online Censorship Regime!


The court’s opinion comes in the landmark free speech case in the digital era, Missouri v. Biden. Before the litigation landed in appellate court, Louisiana District Judge Terry A. Doughty declared in a fitting Independence Day ruling that federal authorities from the Biden White House to the FBI and CDC had likely engaged in “the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.”

Biden To Fund Ukraine Without Congress Via State Department Money


Hillary Clinton Is Scared Some Americans Favor Russia’s Resistance To The Empire of Lies


"Honestly, I don't understand any American siding with [Russian President] Putin, but we have seen it, and we have heard it, and we have to fight against it" PBS quoted her as saying.

Eleven Activists Arrested Outside Bernie Sanders Office After Demanding End To Ukraine Conflict


Trump Ousted From Forbes 400 List of Wealthiest Americans Due To Theft, Political Lawfare


Congressional Approval Hits All Time Low, Under 20%


71% Of Americans Don’t Trust The US Government To Prevent Doomsday, Collapse Of America


MY COMMENT: Prepping for the worst was the right thing to do. Absolutely no regrets.

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25721a No.385478

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000076

Global Use Of The Euro Has Collapsed In The Past Nine Months


In the past 150 years, the US Money Supply has only contracted five times; and they were Recessions and the Great Depression. It is happening again.


This has only happened 4 previous times in last 150 years. Each time a Depression with double-digit unemployment rates followed.

Japanese-American Entrepreneur And Economist Warns Americans To Invest In HARD ASSETS, Not Stocks Or Bonds


Despotic Mass Murderers Plan To Spray mRNA Clot Shot Poison In The Air Using Aerosols


Mad scientists funded by the Empire of Lies are hell-bent blood thirsty demons lusting to kill us all.

Transnational Gangs Have Been Imported Into America To Destabilize And Destroy Our Way Of Life


“They typically hit homes from 5 to 9 p.m., they seem to want houses where nobody’s home, and they usually come in through windows in the back,” the sheriff explained. “They do a lot of surveillance, we believe, before they commit a crime,” Bouchard continued. “Usually, it’s two or three people working together, with one of them stationed outside as a driver.” Bouchard said they are targeting individuals rather than communities, and watching their whereabouts before attacking.

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000001-75



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2e228f No.386528


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ddc8f4 No.386729

After US simulates nuke attack on Moscow, Russia responds overwhelmingly: 30 US cities to be the first incinerated, killing hundreds of millions.



Biden Offers China Unprecedented Access to US Nuclear Test Site


MY COMMENT: IF true, the United States is being SET-UP TO LOSE a world war!!! Americans must start asking WHY!? Who are these neo-cons really working for!? Russia!? China!? Ukraine!? Israel!?

Elon Musk Planning Massive Class-action Lawsuit Against Media Matters For Defamation


This week, Media Matters for America posted a story that completely misrepresented the real user experience on X, in another attempt to undermine freedom of speech and mislead advertisers.

MY COMMENT: Drudge Report should be next! They too are outright lying about Musk and Twitter!

Church Leader Shot In The Head While Preaching At Glendale Street Corner


MY COMMENT: My prayers to the family. I hope they catch this demonic killer and he gets LIFE IN PRISON!

US Banking System Is Collapsing Due To Debt Insolvency





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de148d No.387005

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115cfc No.387131


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