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File: 6c1929f4155640f⋯.png (21.69 KB,1055x559,1055:559,whitehatemore.png)

f51939 No.379744

From ART to the ZOO: https://www.bitchute.com/video/dcaWoBAvRCdX/

We have our say yet again folks.

The Smithsonian Art Museum has 'Why Whites are Bad'

type articles at its web site …

The FBI has regular 'White Folks Voting Wrong Be Bad'

type meetings and discusses how us Whites are


The Congress every day celebrates anyone but US


The executive has more power than Augustus Caesar ….

Think on that.

This Whole 'deal' is rotten; if ever there was a contract

it is broken now due to lack of service.

And it all seems to HATE US European White Folks. But

Jokes on US cuz, and get this part …

We pay for all that … WHITE TAXES .. income sales

property, to just to name a few among many …. pay for

all this death cult hate against WHITES!

The White Folks Line up to PAY these folks who hate

them TO HATE THEM … More?

Different Concept:

Stop paying these mother fuckers to hate you White

Man! Do not put on those chains of slavery. Remain

FREE or at the very least GAIN YOUR FREEDOM and

LIBERTY back from these tyrants … Nay do not pay … no

that will not go.

Paying for the 'regime' is paying for your own funeral


Yeah that is our intro thoughts to day.

To the News Media Strap in this gets rough:

Biden regime promises to SUE any state that tries to

stop southern border invasion – imagine that.

Instead of fighting illegal immigration and trying to

protect Americans from the southern invasion, the illicit

Biden regime is going after Texas and other states that

are attempting to take matters into their own hands.

#Democrats have bought into the lie that

censorship does not violate free speech – freely freed from freedom!

The Southern Poverty Law Center just released a report

claiming there are 1,225 hate and anti-government

groups in America. These groups cause “fear and pain

(in) Black, brown, and LGBTQ communities.”

Plot Twist:

Southern Poverty Law Center is a hate group


It’s a left-wing, money-grabbing smear machine.

Anti-defamation league should ‘drop the A’

in ‘ADL’

Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk tweeted Tuesday that the

Anti-Defamation League (ADL) should “drop the A”

from its name after it accused him of antisemitism for

criticizing left-wing billionaire George Soros.

U.S. White Supremacist Propaganda Remained at

Historic Levels in 2021, With 27 Percent Rise in

#Antisemitic Messaging

No #ProWhite Allowed #Nazis!

ADL changes definition of racism so only Whites can be

labeled as racist

A Censored Race War

The media ignore racially motivated black-on-white

crime. They encourage

With that:

Remember that all day every day equality is a lie. Our Nation first and only - Since no border no real country or nation or identity false BS about humanity is a lie.

No Border – No White America.

A #White #EthnoState was the design of #TheFounders of #TheUnitedStatesofAmerica. They fought a SUPER POWER in #GreatBritain to gain a homeland for Free WHITE & 21. That is a fact children. .


#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity

#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternPride #EuroAmericans

#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family

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9ca64a No.379842




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ca64a No.379843


For some reason, your post isn't showing clearly. Would you mind retyping it one more time please?

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