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File: 5608649a45dce6a⋯.jpg (20.67 KB,600x632,75:79,14peewee1_articleLarge_v7.jpg)

dcbece No.379695

I'M DEAD !!!

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1e6e6f No.379696

File: df6a479ee451168⋯.jpg (37.99 KB,396x429,12:13,8588664c6762110a15_mp4_9.jpg)




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885b43 No.379911


The Lonely Boy with no penis downloads another Gore video

In his mommy's spare bedroom

Fantasizing that one day he will have the balls to vent his sexual frustration and punish the world for his failures

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885b43 No.379912


And that's the only reason you download Gore….


Fantasizing that you are intimidating

Fantasizing that your testicles have descended

Fantasizing that one day you will have the balls required to lash out at the world for your own self-imposed sexual, social and financial failures…

While sitting in front of your little sissy boy computer

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885b43 No.379913


Completely incapable of providing the name of even ONE desperate woman who thinks you're even vaguely interesting

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885b43 No.379914




LIL' ABBY !!!!

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885b43 No.379915


No job.. no money.. no apartment.. no girlfriend.. no wife… no children…

just weak disenfranchised LONELY LIL' ABBY

With no discernible skills or Talent

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885b43 No.379916




about everything he


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885b43 No.379917


Nobody blames you for fantasizing

……………..after all

It's the only thing you've managed to accomplish so far

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885b43 No.379918


Speaking of your relationship with your prostitute of a mother:

She spread her legs to the bone to earn that money, and she didn't do it so you could sit on your ass playing video games and fantasizing about sissyboy gore…

Why don't you ask her for some career advice?

Ask her what's the fastest way she makes customers ejaculate…

Perhaps you could apply this knowledge to your own adorable little upcoming job search?

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885b43 No.379919


Instead of just sitting there in her spare bedroom, it seems like you would have the intelligence to go into her bedroom and ask her for career advice

For example, does she charge group rates?

Because if you performed fellatio on several amateur wannabe black "rappers", you might be able to earn a full $20

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885b43 No.379920


But something tells me your mother's not exactly Alberta Einstein…

And maybe those group rates she's been charging actually end up LOSING MONEY for her….

Because she could charge each of those customers $10 a piece, and make twice as much money

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885b43 No.379921


I would imagine your mother has quite a storied vagina…..

Like a nasty old tree, if you pulled it apart you could count the Rings

I bet she's got a lot of flyer miles on that hole of hers

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885b43 No.379922


Describe your mother's worn-out vagina for us, little man

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885b43 No.379923


Tell us all about your mother's vagina, cream puff

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