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File: e25e3054a332137⋯.jpg (96.34 KB,500x599,500:599,e48a5ef294919e9c.jpg)

0b2c96 No.379568

2015 calling 2023: https://www.bitchute.com/video/rjWYoxI6IPCz/

This today was my thoughts between April 16th - 30th of 2015. How a lot still applies.

Why? Same Evil has away over our land. Same Satanic Cabal.

Courage and Truth.

With that to the reading.

The people who ruined themselves on


A tale of Usury, Stupidity and Greed.

Once in a faraway land, there were a people, who

yearly, brought the entire value of their national worth

to the great idol of the golden Calf.

And finally the day came, when none of the people had

enough to pay off any of their loans, and the usurious

priests owned everything. And on that day they all of

them defaulted and became serfs. Bound to a never

ending debt which could never be repaid, and

perpetually laboring for the benefit of another group's

best interests. Forever laboring to profit another in the

Lands they Once Ruled!

It was sad and it should be a lesson to others. The

Lesson is that:

Any people who allows usurers to control their money,

goods, commerce, and credit will end up like the

people above… Bankrupted, impoverished,

disenfranchised, dispossessed, enfeeble, overthrown,

and serfs in the land which they once ruled …

The bankers bailout as equivalent to the

IMF third world model

It was not apparent to many at

the time, but now the common person is starting to

feel the austerity – higher prices, lower wages, and

privatization of public goods and services – as the

media tells them that the economy is 'recovering'.

Ring a bell, folks?

It should as the Bankers Bailout model is

the New Economy for You and your

children. This low wage, low mobility,

lowed living standard model is the New

Reality that is your slated future.

The liberal chickens are coming home to

roost. Who will clean up the droppings?

The Liberal poison has killed the vitality in the

breast of our people and we are now dying. This

death cult called PC with its dogmas of equality,

tolerance, diversity and mass immigration, is the

faith of this decadent age. And it produces only

Death. We have made a pact with death, and thus

we are dying. It is because we have spiritually died

inside, that these people are running riot over our

body as it rots.

White Guilt Enables Thug Culture

The Thugs you see looting burning and killing on TV do

all they do because of WHITE GUILT! And it is

madness squared! I refuse to draw that water or hew that wood!

I decline to be the whipping boy for PC and

Multiculturalism's failure to deal with reality.

Thugs act like thugs, then they get dead. Then other

thugs burn, loot, rape, kill, and otherwise cause mayhem

and I am suppose to feel bad?

No way, it is not happening for you. That is

hateful and only a weak person would even think to go

down that path!

Demand Better and rise above it.

A White Nation based on White Families: The most basic group is again the family group, then it expands to the extended family, then to tribes, then to nations. This is the natural organic progression. Families are a proto-statelet and clans are states in all but name.

Destroy the Family destroy the People Nation and Culture by default!

With that:

Remember that all day every day equality is a lie. Our Nation first and only - Since no border no real country or nation or identity false BS about humanity is a lie.

No Border – No White America.

A #White #EthnoState was the design of #TheFounders of #TheUnitedStatesofAmerica. They fought a SUPER POWER in #GreatBritain to gain a homeland for Free WHITE & 21. That is a fact children. .


#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity

#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternPride #EuroAmericans

#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #replacementmigration #WhiteGenocide

#Invasion #ColorBlindCucks #WhitePower #WhitePride

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780efd No.379583

File: cda8cbaea4f52f5⋯.jpg (657.64 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690488053079.jpg)

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