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File: df2278df1eb6471⋯.jpg (882.81 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690491872629.jpg)

42f5ad No.379502

And when I was finished, Albert Curtis asked me if I was satisfied or if he should do it again

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42f5ad No.379503

File: cd66ce66f230574⋯.jpg (776.6 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690491926588.jpg)

Albert Curtis allowed me to take a shit in his mouth

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42f5ad No.379504

File: 49157ace927136d⋯.jpg (827.63 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690491967030.jpg)

Albert Curtis has learned how to identify a man's individual race, while blindfolded and wearing headphones

simply by the flavor of his sperm

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42f5ad No.379505

File: 39328ca9ebeec74⋯.jpg (862.69 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690492000600.jpg)

The only person who sucked more dick in the trailer park was Albert's mother, while she was still alive

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42f5ad No.379506

File: ce3eab5826125c3⋯.jpg (705.8 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690492035123.jpg)

Even after losing his job as an uneducated truck driver, Albert Curtis continued spending most of his spare time in truck stop men's rooms, on his knees

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42f5ad No.379507

File: 73b903170d7d826⋯.jpg (834.33 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690492053446.jpg)

Before he dropped out of high School halfway into the 10th grade, Albert Curtis was voted "Most Likely To Eventually Molest His Own Son" in his high school yearbook

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42f5ad No.379508

File: 9e6aa7653f08454⋯.jpg (806.28 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690492122244.jpg)

In elementary school, Albert Curtis' nickname was "forehead"….

If you were for it, he would give it

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42f5ad No.379509

File: 6ad47d768e60ec0⋯.jpg (876.15 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690492135140.jpg)

Unfortunately, the mailman who delivers to Albert's trailer park is a black guy.

Unfortunately for the mailman, that is…

Because Albert won't stop flirting with him

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42f5ad No.379510

File: 57e82e2a1b66f69⋯.jpg (777.49 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690492155235.jpg)

Albert and Curtis likes to shower his prospective sexual partners with gifts

Mainly GI Joe dolls

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42f5ad No.379511

File: 163152c168aead7⋯.jpg (784.56 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690492195598.jpg)

When Albert was a child, all the other kids in the trailer park called his mother a "whore"…

But he would always correct them:

"she prefers being called a prostitute"

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42f5ad No.379512

File: 4321cb29df41612⋯.jpg (780.82 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690492239395.jpg)

Albert Curtis goes online and offers to shave young men's pubic hair for free

But it's deceptive marketing, because he actually plucks each Pube out one by one, with his teeth

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42f5ad No.379513

File: 347b3f83c53a996⋯.jpg (775.89 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690492265737.jpg)

On first dates, Albert Curtis always puts Band-Aids on his chin….

So he doesn't get scratched on another guy's zipper

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42f5ad No.379514

File: 55b96ff1ac4e621⋯.jpg (837.58 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690492285636.jpg)

Albert Curtis is a "scumbag", in the old fashioned sense of the word….

Back in the 1940s, the term scumbag originally meant "a used condom"

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42f5ad No.379515

File: 5d66b1d58277697⋯.jpg (827.06 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690492370563.jpg)

Albert Curtis has had diarrhea for almost 11 years

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42f5ad No.379516

File: 5c5a090fe1d3ded⋯.jpg (855.48 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690492386065.jpg)

Albert Curtis once offered me $20 cash to call him "Lady Gaga" and punch him in the face

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42f5ad No.379517

File: a9e6cf7d4cbc0f2⋯.jpg (773.53 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690492515752.jpg)

Albert Curtis wet the bed until the age of 17…..


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42f5ad No.379518

File: dc38a7c0b644394⋯.jpg (881.22 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690492533520.jpg)

When Albert Curtis was born, the pediatrician slapped him, and told Albert's mother, "he's either got the world's tiniest penis, or the ugliest clitoris I've ever seen in my life"

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