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File: 3f1c5e8a296b98a⋯.jpg (676 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690489045199.jpg)

754f82 No.379489

Albert Curtis is a washed-up bowl truck stop child molester, who has to register as a sex offender wherever he moves, who collects government welfare disability benefits, and spends his unemployed afternoon online, prowling for unsuspecting disenfranchised young male, trying to lure them in, with his bullshit political garbage.

Albert Curtis used to be in a heterosexual relationship many years ago, but she broke up with him after he was arrested for molesting a young boy in an interstate rest area in 2004

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754f82 No.379490

File: f7a9d801726fb20⋯.jpg (760.22 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690489012457.jpg)

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754f82 No.379491

File: cd13b62fa2b84a2⋯.jpg (674.75 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690488961622.jpg)

Albert Curtis literally sucks dick.. as in he literally puts young guys penises into his mouth. Not even joking…

hes a homosexual

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754f82 No.379492

File: bf6289ce5c2c169⋯.jpg (689.63 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690488817655.jpg)

When I say Albert Curtis is a fag, I don't mean he's a phone fag, or a trip fag, or a name fag….

I don't mean he's a this fag or a that fag

What I'm saying is Albert Curtis is a homosexual. He's a fucking faggot

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754f82 No.379493

File: e2b20c57d00bd28⋯.jpg (691.37 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690488788147.jpg)

He's a worthless walk up hope broke ass white trash redneck truck stop child molesting homosexual

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754f82 No.379494

File: a29e78becefa796⋯.jpg (675.01 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690488722350.jpg)

He's a Skip to My Lou Zippity Doo Dah Oliver Wendell Douglas Hooterville 8-track cassette CB radio uneducated poverty stricken white trash child molesting faggot

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754f82 No.379495

File: 72ce93c7852c0f3⋯.jpg (607.58 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690488699715.jpg)

Albert Curtis is a sugar pie honey cup Mr Rogers Neighborhood if you like pina coladas Starsky and Hutch sperm drinking penis sucking sack of garbage

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754f82 No.379496

File: 951598eca478790⋯.jpg (727.48 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690488654714.jpg)

He's a Bohemian Raspberry Down Syndrome Moon Rover pineapple upside down butt plug child molesting insincere duplicitous cock sucking ball sniffing faggot

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754f82 No.379497

File: f1f08ab95f64ca3⋯.jpg (791.09 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690488622982.jpg)

He's an inbred, Goodwill thrift store, trailer park Titan white trash hillbilly dirt farm unbathed soiled 1997 t-shirt testicle tasting Twinkle Toes pole smoking son of a prostitute faggot

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754f82 No.379498

File: d13355cc76f39fb⋯.jpg (628.69 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690488587446.jpg)

Albert Curtis once tried to groom my seven-year-old nephew online

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754f82 No.379499

File: 83e5be986f1afce⋯.jpg (782.04 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690488511854.jpg)

Albert Curtis only had sex with his ex-wife four times

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754f82 No.379500

File: b371df91374713b⋯.jpg (764.55 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690488447161.jpg)

yet Albert Curtis has arranged clandestine rendezvous withNINEdifferent young men he lured in online over the past 3 years

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754f82 No.379501

File: a517f1cb183422e⋯.jpg (794.18 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1690488383579.jpg)





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