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File: 86704b92ee4d5b4⋯.png (275.02 KB,800x715,160:143,421412.png)

c919b8 No.379410

Ice Cube Joins Tucker Carlson To Drive Around Hood To Expose Deadly Clot Shot Mass Murder Agenda

Rapper and actor Ice Cube told Tucker Carlson that he refused to get the Covid-19 vaccine because 'it wasn't ready,' and that his decision cost him a $9 million film role in a Jack Black film.

"I never wanted to be controlled," the rapper told Carlson in the back of a car as the two drove around Los Angeles.

When asked by Carlson why he refused the jab, Cube said: "'It wasn't ready. It was six months, kind of rush job. And I didn't feel safe."

Ep. 10 Stay in your lane: our drive through South Central LA with Ice Cube.

(next episode: Ice Cube sits down with us at his studio)

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) July 25, 2023

When Cube asked Carlson if he's been vaccinated, Carlson replied: "Of course not!"

Ice Cube, whose real name is O'Shea Jackson, then noted that the government and big pharma would face no repercussions if they're wrong.

"But it's not their decision. There is no repercussions if they are wrong. I get all the repercussions if they are wrong," he said, adding "I wanted to be an example for my kids. Make sure they didn't take it either. I was willing to stand on my convictions."

Carlson says the rapper was 'attacked' for refusing the vaccine, at one point showing a clip from SNL in which they mocked Cube's decision.

"I never told anyone not to get vaccinated, publicly. That was never my message to the world," said the rapper. "I didn't even want people to know whether I got vaccinated or not. I was pretty upset that that even came out. I was just going to quietly not take it and deal with the consequences as they came."

Carlson then asked if the rapper knew anyone who had an adverse reaction to the vaccine.

"I do, and they suffer every day, and it's hard to watch," he replied.


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42b8cf No.379439

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de380d No.379478


lol … Lice Pube snatchin' white folks' money and laughin' at your cracker ass all the way.

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de380d No.379588

File: b2d29cd83d81dad⋯.jpg (215.28 KB,998x998,1:1,F2BS4S3acAA5LGH.jpg)


Oh, hey look … 11 people now have a Black friend named Ice Cube!

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b483b4 No.380090

Looks like niggers may be smarter than half the white American population considering many whites actually took the clot shots.

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b483b4 No.381000

bumping responsible intelligent news

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110018 No.382046

Glad I prepared for the collapse of the Western world.

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